They ran into the courtyard. The trial had just begun; the king had started the prosecution of the murderer. Two girls, one dressed in red with gold embroidery, the other in jade green with silver embroidery, wanted a good clear view of the trial, but being so small, they could not see over the crowd.
One turned and saw a window with ivy cascading down from the ledge. Iron bars covered the glass for show. The girls quickly climbed up the ivy. The one in jade grabbed hold of the bars and sat on the ledge. The one in red latched onto the ivy and had one foot on the ledge. They didn't notice how loose the bars were, as they focused more on the trial.
The bars began to bend and wiggled out of place. The bars came loose and knocked off the foot of the girl in red. The ivy slipped from her hand and she fell to the ground. The girl in jade cried for her and shouted for help. A hand shoved her off the ledge and she fell into the arms of a stranger who caught her. He placed her on the ground and inspected the bars.
The girl saw no one at the window and ran to help the other girl. She fought through the crowd and scrambled to hold her hand.
It was ice cold as she stared into her own flat and distant eyes. The girl, stunned, walked away from the crowd as she fizzled into nothing.
One turned and saw a window with ivy cascading down from the ledge. Iron bars covered the glass for show. The girls quickly climbed up the ivy. The one in jade grabbed hold of the bars and sat on the ledge. The one in red latched onto the ivy and had one foot on the ledge. They didn't notice how loose the bars were, as they focused more on the trial.
The bars began to bend and wiggled out of place. The bars came loose and knocked off the foot of the girl in red. The ivy slipped from her hand and she fell to the ground. The girl in jade cried for her and shouted for help. A hand shoved her off the ledge and she fell into the arms of a stranger who caught her. He placed her on the ground and inspected the bars.
The girl saw no one at the window and ran to help the other girl. She fought through the crowd and scrambled to hold her hand.
It was ice cold as she stared into her own flat and distant eyes. The girl, stunned, walked away from the crowd as she fizzled into nothing.