The trees are so beautiful this time of year- frosted with snow like a sprinkling of powdered sugar.
"Too bad it is too cold to go out," Melanie whispers to herself, backing her chair away from the window and her computer desk to instead sit, uncluttered, at the center of the room.
There's a crash somewhere outside and she is taken back to the crash and crunch the day Sophie fell...
But she blocks out that day and walks through the hallway, out the door, bundling up in her poofy green coat. A tree has fallen- just big enough for the house, small enough for her to carry herself. Her heart pangs as she thinks of decorating anything for Christmas, and instead she takes in the cold, the powderiness, and catches a snowflake on her tongue, wishing at that moment that her sister was standing there with her.
She takes off everything as she gets back into the house, sitting down at her computer. She has a new muse: Sophie, if she were still alive.
~12/09/2013 11:32am, Creative Writing