We all have sat in our history classes as children. and studied and read about D-Day. June 6th 1944.To honour the ones that climbed into their landing crafts, rode across the channel to drop behind enemy lines, and ferried troops and equipment ashore.
Images that have been burned into my soul. Here is a short story to read
As the weather broke on June 5th, we mustered with our complete gear. Standing in line we all checked our buddies gear in front of you. The word had leaked out "Its a go" Our platoon leader, old by our standards turned 32 last Wednesday, called us to attention and said "Those who about to die salute you" Then with a crisp salute he watched us enter the waiting C-47's.
Mission Boston , the drop of 82nd Airborne began at 01:51, the invasion of German occupied France was underway. By the end of D-Day, 4,414 confirmed American soldiers, airmen and sailors died.
Today I give a small prayer to all of the remaining veterans that helped to end the bloody second world war in Europe.
"Those who about to die I salute you" rings true with honour.