She fled.
The tears tore not just from her soul, but from those who took the time to notice her escape.
"How could he cut me that deeply? Preying on my insecurity, preying on my pain," she asked herself.
It was a crowded throng. She had thought it was just another date and a walk along the boardwalk, but then.....
She fought through the tears back to her car. What went wrong? What did she do?
She cries herself to sleep and the dreams come.
Wandering alone along abandoned buildings. Where am I? Who is here? Am I alone?
The edfices loom over; noir; gloomy; threatening.
In this dream world she wandered. Through the empty streets. A ghostly visage where the buildings formed a maze. She took a left and found nothing but an intersection. Over and over it repeated, only increasing her anxiety.Tears did not come.
She watched. The way they played and danced. The words and deeds. It appeared fake yet necessary. Appalling yet reasonable, yet they shunned her nonetheless.
A perfect picture of the one left behind. Torn from her soul. Why can she not reach out? Pain ripples through her. She can't fight physically or emotionally. Love left behind. Thoughts leading to dead ends, and no way to make it right. Frustration leads to exhaustion and exhaustion leads to sleep.
Away from the pain and into acceptance. Ghostly visages engaged in a dance. Whispering. Advising. They told her what to do, how to be. She demurred. It was her life. She woke to reality.Then the tears came.
They ask what's wrong, but she has a wall. Love for her, love for him. Some times it worked, But... Sometimes.....
The tears tore not just from her soul, but from those who took the time to notice her escape.
"How could he cut me that deeply? Preying on my insecurity, preying on my pain," she asked herself.
It was a crowded throng. She had thought it was just another date and a walk along the boardwalk, but then.....
She fought through the tears back to her car. What went wrong? What did she do?
She cries herself to sleep and the dreams come.
Wandering alone along abandoned buildings. Where am I? Who is here? Am I alone?
The edfices loom over; noir; gloomy; threatening.
In this dream world she wandered. Through the empty streets. A ghostly visage where the buildings formed a maze. She took a left and found nothing but an intersection. Over and over it repeated, only increasing her anxiety.Tears did not come.
She watched. The way they played and danced. The words and deeds. It appeared fake yet necessary. Appalling yet reasonable, yet they shunned her nonetheless.
A perfect picture of the one left behind. Torn from her soul. Why can she not reach out? Pain ripples through her. She can't fight physically or emotionally. Love left behind. Thoughts leading to dead ends, and no way to make it right. Frustration leads to exhaustion and exhaustion leads to sleep.
Away from the pain and into acceptance. Ghostly visages engaged in a dance. Whispering. Advising. They told her what to do, how to be. She demurred. It was her life. She woke to reality.Then the tears came.
They ask what's wrong, but she has a wall. Love for her, love for him. Some times it worked, But... Sometimes.....