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Fantasy Stories

Our fantasy stories are for those who enjoy escaping to a world filled with magic, wizards, dragons and sorcery.

Stories in this genre have an underlying theme of good versus evil and may be based on fairy tales, myths or legends.

Characters, places and names are often pulled from the author’s vivid imagination and descriptions are usually highly detailed.

Chapter Two: The Battle Begins Ethan emerged from the portal outside of the mansion alone in a vast field of dry grass and tall wheat fields. He looked around glancing in every direction but didn’t see any sign of another phantom around, which disturbed him. As if his thoughts were being read, the caretaker’s voice sounded in Ethan’s head again saying, “The battle will begin in five minutes, place yourself wherever you li...

Phantom Wars Chapter 1

The tale of a young man and his story in the afterlife.

Chapter One: The After Life “Ethan it’s already seven are you going to eat breakfast?” “I’ll pick something up at the cafeteria I still have some money left over from the movies,” Ethan yelled while rushing to pack his homework into his bag. “I told you not to stay out too late with that movie,” Ethan’s mom shouted up the stairs to him. Ethan slung his bag over his shoulder then ran downstairs. “Bye mom,” Ethan shouted be...


I walked down the steps, feeling like an intruder. The sudden silence rang in my ears and intensified the tension surrounding me. I heard my 'father's' voice, "This is my oldest daughter, Brook. As you can see, she is beyond the description I gave you." "The description would be considered an insult compared to her," the man next to him gruffly approved. I recognized him as the head of the blood hound family. So my own be...

Fairy Rings

Little girl finds out if Fairies are real

Adele was a bright and inquisitive child for only 8 years old. She loved to visit with her grandparents during the summer. Her grandfather would take her for long walks in the woods behind his house. He would explain to her the mysteries of the woods. Showing her how to identify trees by their leaves and bark. Where the mushrooms would, or more precisely might, grow in the woods. They found fossils in the limestone of the...

The Wall

He didn't remember his name or where he had been or where he was going.

The soldier walked along the road in confusion. Carrying his rifle in ready position, he scanned the area as he walked as if he were the point man and his platoon was walking behind him. However, he was alone; there was no platoon following him. With a fogged mind he walked. His combat gear a heavy burden, but he continued walking, walking to somewhere he didn't know. He didn't remember his name or where he had been or wh...

The Prophecy of Gwenderan - Chapter III

The humans find out of the robbery, and so does everyone else.

Slowing their pace after making sure that they weren’t being followed by any of the grey elves, Aaron now thought of what their next step was going to be. He knew he had to get back to the human kingdom as fast as possible and let everyone know of what was happening. He suspected that no one else knew of the robbery of Baculum other than him, Tonks and the elves themselves. There was also Tonks. He was sure the dwarf was...

Hot Chocolate

The most annoying story you will ever read.

It’s the foggiest night of the year in Scotland. In a dark forest, fast paced steps are followed by the sound of dry leaves crunching on the ground; someone is running as if he/she is running for his/her life. A gasping breath is broken by a scream. Cazzy opens her eyes but her body doesn’t move, she tries to scream but it’s in vain. Her body doesn’t belong to her anymore. Her eyes are the only things responding, staring...


As the saying goes, fate is always predestined

There once lived a small farm boy named Gary. He lived together with five brothers and sisters, he was the middle sibling. One day, he walked into the pasture, when he met a elderly man, his hair gray with age, in his left hand, an old crooked walking stick. "Gary, be forewarned that one day you will change the world. You alone shall crush those that you hold dear. Never forget that," he said, and with those words, he pas...

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Banished (Chapter One)

Continued from Banished (Prologue)

The droning sound of my alarm clock shattered the peacefulness of my dreams, and I groggily hit the off button and then proceeded to stretch, stifling a yawn. The dim glow of the alarm clock read 6:00AM, and the sun had yet to rise. There was a lovely pink that colored the sky from my open bedroom window and a small draft of air carried my white curtains from their rest at the frame. It was 6:15AM before I managed to roll...

Banished (prologue)

When an elvish settlement is ambushed in the night, will one small family of elves be able to flee?

There were little fireflies in the dark sky, and that's how I knew it was nighttime. Momma called them stars, and I always loved looking up at them. There was also an enormous white will-o'-the-wisp that watched over the fireflies, but Momma called it the moon. Momma sometimes let me sit outside the place where we sleep to look up at the stars with her, and that's what I was doing now. The place was peaceful. Many others...


Mrs. Myrlyn woke me abruptly to start my makeover. Something I only had to endure once or twice a year with Maple, but that was for the holidays or when the town threw this huge party, for a successful harvest. Unfortunately, neither were the case and today the 'special treatment' was all mine. It started out with a cold bath and a quick scrub down, to remove any dirt and junk. After the water drained, she poured heated c...

The Prophecy of Gwenderan - Chapter II

The story continues at the elven kingdom.

Inside the comfort of his house, he now worried about Lira. She had disappeared overnight to who knows where, and now he had this bad feeling in his gut that told him something was terribly wrong. He wanted to go outside and look for her, but he was afraid that the storm would drop at any minute, and he would be caught in the middle of it, and that would definitely not help him find her. However, after spending a few mome...

Encounters - Prequel

A young wolf learns of a different way to fight

200 years, that's how long the war had been going on. In the dark of night 2 races were at war, fighting over land and honor for their people On one side there was the vampires, a cursed race that could only wander the night and had to feed off the blood of humans. A race that lived, and died, by the law of the sword and would do all in their power to keep the vampire bloodlines safe and living till time itself ended. On...

The Prophecy of Gwenderan - Chapter I

Dark days are to come on the world of Gwenderan when a prophecy comes true.

“It’s gone! Baculum is gone! Sound the alarm!” The guard went running down the wide entrance of the Royal Tower, desperately screaming so that the entire city could hear him. He continued through the front hall of the castle, looking for his commander, the leader of the city’s security watch. He then realized how early in the morning it was. The commander and most of his companions would be at their own houses, waking up...

My own worst enemy

A wizard discovers his worst enemy.

“Only twelve gold pieces good sir, a bargain!” Said the weaselly looking stall worker. I never pass up a chance to look for rare or unusual spell components whenever I come across a bazaar. What does bother me though, is that every stall worker from the High Forest to the Great Sea always tried passing off junk as if it were imbued with powerful magic. I may be young for a wizard, but I am no fool. “What could possibly co...