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Fantasy Stories

Our fantasy stories are for those who enjoy escaping to a world filled with magic, wizards, dragons and sorcery.

Stories in this genre have an underlying theme of good versus evil and may be based on fairy tales, myths or legends.

Characters, places and names are often pulled from the author’s vivid imagination and descriptions are usually highly detailed.

I’m sitting in my room doing my homework when I hear the doorbell ring. I get up from my desk to go answer it. Before I can get there my mom already answers it. I can’t quite make what she’s saying, or who she’s talking to. I can tell that the other person is a girl, but I’m not sure if it’s Scarlet. I keep watching as my mom moves away from the door, and invites the person in. I don’t believe it, it’s Nikita the girl fro...

The League of the Young and Supernatural (1)

A supernatural organization founded by rogue aliens fight to protect the human race.

Ch 1 *Sakura* Despite the air biting at everything in its path, I liked it. The cold fueled me, and with Buigels on the rise, I really did need some extra energy. Earth was tiring, and its oxygen levels were way too high. I didn’t quite comprehend how, since every ape liked to abuse their surroundings with their garbage food production and transportation waste. They really were useless creatures. At least most of them wer...

The snow fell hard for days making it impossible to hunt and the food supply was running low. The cold weather was hardest on the pups as Nurse wouldn't let them outside the den for fear they would get lost or become sick. I watched as the pups become depressed and aggressive towards the rest of the pack. I snapped and growled at the pups until they fell in line and settled down. Since the weather was cold we didn't have...

Everyday around three o’clock I would walk home from school. I walk home because my mom didn’t have a car. It wasn’t because she couldn’t drive. Oh no, it was nothing like that. My mother use to drive until the fatal crash that killed my father. That was the day my mother’s whole demeanor changed. She became this overbearing parent that worried about everything. She had three emotional breakdowns in the first month of my...

I let out a happy yelp and rushed over to Tank, only to come to a stop short of reaching him. He was limping badly and his leg was bleeding. I wasn't sure if he would be aggressive towards me, so I lowered myself to the ground and slowly belly crawled my way to him and whimpered. He snorted and panted before dropping to the ground himself. There was a hole in his front left leg and it reeked of human. He had been attacked...

Doran awoke early and didn’t hesitate. He sat up, swung his legs over the side of his bed, and stood. Doran was a farmer and years of experience had taught him that procrastinating was not good for anyone. He knew he had plenty of work ahead of him and whether he was tired or not, he had to get up and get to it. He had a very important part to play in his society and he knew the people needed the food and livestock he rai...

Spiders and Demons

Faced with the threat of the Grey, Liyah must pretend to love her husband.

She stepped down the broad marble staircase uncertainly, feeling the weight of the coin purse Artemidoros had given her thump heavily against her leg. At the bottom of the steps, she turned back, looking to the porch above, attempting to glimpse the man who stood in the shadows. A pale hand briefly extended into the sunlight in a decisive gesture; go. Exhaling a breath of pent-up nervousness, Liyah squared her shoulders a...

I woke to the smell of rabbit under my nose with the slight hint of Gash. Sigh. I knew she would start sucking up to me but I didn't think it would be this soon. By my guess she thought sucking up to me would lessen her punishment, but she was dead wrong. But since I didn't eat last night I ate now, growling the whole time to let Gash know that I still wasn't impressed with her. As I munched on my rabbit I was thinking ab...

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We stayed in the wooded area just behind the human village and watched how they interacted with each other and the animals in their care. We hunted in small groups of two or three and kept the pack fed. I could sense Shaggy was unhappy. He spent many hours with his head hung low but would be poised and proper when his humans were around. It was sad to watch. The first night we were there, Shaggy made the mistake of howlin...

Amongst the Kingdoms Ch 2

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow combined in an era long forgotten but yet to be experienced.

2 THE INQUIRY Rorbel emerged from the wooden carriage and immediately stood tall, revealing no signs of fatigue, frustration, or fear. Even though what lay in front of him had unconsciously widened the eyes and lowered the jaws of many a soldier; this was Rorbel’s fourth visit to the royal palace grounds. Still, no matter how many times his eyes had taken in the awe-inspiring sight of Vandaria’s capitol, hiding his amazem...

As I lay on my side, I wondered why I was still alive... Sandi had had me in a death grip which should have ended my life and yet I could still hear and smell everything around me. I moved my front paws and by some miracle they moved even if ever slightly. Sandi's howling was getting on my nerves so much that I gathered all my remaining strength and what was left of my energy and flung myself up and latched onto his throa...

Amongst the Kingdoms

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow combined in an era long forgotten but yet to be experienced.

To those who would know, yet would not want to know. To see what one does not want to see. Hear what they don’t want to hear. During the future or in the past? What is true desire? When does difference become the same? When does it repeat? When did it first draw breath? Creation is always forgotten. Wondrous during its infancy. Adored and then finally forgotten. Time dilutes. Now and then become the same. And yet human be...

We headed out just before dawn and kept it at a steady walk for Gash's sake. She kept up well and didn't whine when she started limping. I knew we needed to rest and slowed everyone to a slow walk until I found a shaded lake. We all drank and laid under a tree, the sun had come up fast and was suddenly very warm. It was strange because the week before had been so cold signaling the coming winter. But I was thankful the we...

Full Blue Moon Chapter 3: Bonding

Hiro picks himself up, with the help of Kana by his side.

Hiro's alarm clock rang. He was still sleeping in his textbook, unbeknownst to his alarm. After five minutes of it ringing, Fuji came in and turned it off. He looked at his son, took his rolled up newspaper, and slapped him in back of the head. "WAKE UP!" "Ahhhhhhh!" Hiro nearly fell out of his chair. He rubbed his head to see his father in a light blue silk robe. Hiro looked at him as if he were a stranger. "Dad?! What a...

Chapter 7 - The Fight  And there I was, going to meet my uncle. This wouldn’t be my first fight, but most certainly it would be my last one. I knew that I didn’t need to go too far to find the vampires again, they were after me. I just needed to walk around, they would come and I wasn’t wrong. About half an hour later there he was. “So, you are alone today,” he spoke. “So are you,” I said. He smiled at me wickedly. I just...