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Heavenly Undead

"Story of betrayal and romance"

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Heavenly Undead

By: Christy Dill


Romania 1940 it was the middle of WWII, my name is Perciosa, I’m 18 years-old and the lord’s best warrior angel. I have been sent down to Earth, along with my best friend, Claira. Our Mission : to destroy all lycans and vampires. Inorder to do this we had to take down their leaders…Dracula and Delgado. That’s when my life changed forever.

The Ultimate Transformation

As I made my way through the villages of Translyvania to Dracula’s Castle, I had to single-handly take down vampires and lycans. Suddenly, I saw Claira cornered between a brick wall and a lycan. Of course, Claira was too much of a wuss to handle it herself. “Hey tick magnet!” That got his attention. He charged at me and with one flap of my wings, I was on his back. Then with one twist of the wrist, that mutt was finished in 10 seconds flat. Man, I am so good! Claira was still a little shocked. Why the Lord sent her with me I will never know. When I got to the castle, I made my way up to the very top tower where Dracula’s Coffin lay. I had the perfect plan. Walk silently over to the coffin, open it, and without any hesitation drive a stake through his heart.

Unfortunately, Claira found the coffin first. She didn’t know my plan at all. She went over to it, opened it, and looked inside. That must not have gone so well with the sleeping bloodsucker, because the next thing I knew he flashed his fangs, she screamed, and flew out the window. Now it was just me and him, I stared into his eyes as neither of us made a move. That’s when I broke the silence, “What’s wrong? Is the big bad pale-face afraid of a little angel?” That must have really ticked him off because suddenly he leaped at me and I dodged him just in time. I did a full powered drop kick on that bag of bones. Then, he sprung up on his feet and said, “Let’s dance!” We fought for hours until he yelled, “ENOUGH! Clearly, we are well matched opponents, so well matched in fact that neither of us can win this battle. I have decided to make you a deal. I will give you your inner most desire for a truce.”

I replied firmly, “What could you possibly give me that I desire?”

Then he said the one word I had waited to hear my entire eternal life…“Freedom”! You see being an angel means you can’t leave heaven unless you’re a warrior angel with a mission. Even the missions don’t last very long. I know what you are thinking, what all any angel wants is to live forever in heaven. Well not me, I wanted to travel the world and make my own missions. “How on earth could you give me that?” I asked.

He replied with a playful smile, “With one bite.” Thunder cracked and shook the castle and I knew it was God forbidding me to do it, but I didn’t listen. I shook his hand and made the deal. He leaned in and dug his fangs in, then pulled back and waited. Within a second I fell to my knees. My teeth sharpened, my wings turned black, and my skin went pale. My new life had begun.


I was a daughter of Dracula, the very first and last of my kind. It was now the year 2008. I was the princess of the vampires. I was free now and I could go where and do as I please. The best part of being a princess was the parties. They went on from dusk til dawn. Tonight was the annual Blood Ball. I had the perfect dress. A short purple flare-sleeved black spiderweb laced cocktail dress with a pair of fishnets and black stilettos. I curled my purple highlighted jet black hair (which by the way seemed almost impossible without a freaking mirrior) and put on my tiara and made my way to the staircase. As I started to walk down the stairs, all heads turned and everyone went silent. Then “daddy” Dracula escorted me to my throne and said,“By your command, my dear.”

I said, “Let’s party!” Later on that evening, while I was talking to my friends I sensed a disturbance. It was a lycan. He was easy to spot. When he saw me looking, he quickly made his way to the door. I followed him. When I got outside the door, I saw darkness, then from the shadows I heard, “Hi, Princess. You look stunning.”

A abnormally large wolf with loose clothes on stepped out into the night and then he transformed into a man. I said, “Watch it, mutt breath or I’ll shove this blade where the sun don’t shine.”

“Chillax, chick. I don’t mean any harm. I just wanted to see who all the commotion was about. Now I see,” he said with a seductive smile. I had to admit this dog was the meaning of hott. He had skater blonde hair, deep golden eyes, and a body like a god.

“What's your name flea bag?”

“Well I think we could do without the name calling. The name’s Drag. Drag Mursus. So shouldn’t you be getting back to your party?”

“I’m the princess and I will go back in when I’m good and ready.”

“Well since I don’t feel welcome, I guess I leave.”

“Wait where you going?”

“Why? Does it matter?”

“I was just wondering.”

“Would you like to come, Princess?”

“Can I trust you? Are you going to try to kill me?”

“Well can I trust you?” I gave him a confused look. He chuckled, “Okay then.” He turned around and started to walk, then he stopped turned around and looked at me, “Are you coming?”

Still standing there with a confused look I said, “Yeah.” We had been talking for so long I didn’t even know how far we walked. We had so much in common that it seemed unreal.

“So aren’t your people going to be looking for you?” he asked.

“They won’t even notice. I tend to disappear from time to time,” I said.

He asked, “What about your boyfriend or prince?”

I replied, “I don’t have one.” Out of the corner I saw him smile.

“Oh well I thought that the princess of all people would have one,” he said.

“Well you thought wrong,” I replied with a smile.

Suddenly, he sniffed the air and turned to me and said, “Wait right here don’t move.” Then he jumped over a fence. I stood there for awhile not sure if I should leave or stay. Then he reappeared with his hand behind his back. I got scared for a moment.

“What is that?” I asked, voice quivering.

Then he slowly took his hand from behind his back and said, “Pretty flowers for a pretty girl.” It was a bouquet of black roses. I took them and smelled them. They were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

“They’re beautiful!” I said.

“They're just like you, beauty inside and out,” he said. Looking into my blue eyes, he leaned in and for a moment I almost let him kiss me. I pulled away and turned around, he said, “I’m sorry, I crossed the line there. It’s just I have never felt like this about any girl. When you smile at me I get butterflies. I know it seems impossible, but I’m in love with you. I have no doubts, I love you!” That’s when my eyes lit up with excitement. I grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him. His arms felt unbelievably powerful as he wrapped them around me and squeezed me hard against his body. I didn’t even notice as my wings cocooned us. Catching my breath, I said, “I love you, too!” He kissed me with such passion that it burned with a flame inside of me. I’d never thought that I would fall in this deep, but that night I had fallen for him. More importantly I had fallen for a werewolf!

Killer Love

I was hooked. He was the little piece that had been missing from heaven. Every evening at dusk I woke up to the gorgeous, bone-chilling howl that was my amazing boyfriend. He awaited me with a pearl white smile and a bouquet of black roses. Tonight he said he had a surprise for me. He had his hands cuffed over my eyes. “No peeking,” he said. “Okay open your eyes now,” he said. I opened them to a little picinic in the middle of a graveyard drenched in moonlight. He clicked a button on a remote and Skillet blasted from a boombox under a tree. He also had a bottle of the finest blood, OV positive, sitting in the middle of the blanket. It was perfect. He drank wine and danced in and out of the graves. We laid on the blanket and stared at the stars. He even carved over names onto a tombstone. It was magical, nothing in the world could beat this. He kissed me gently and whispered in my ear, “So delicious.” He gave me that sweet smile. I kissed him and bit his bottom lip. “Ooh…wait, stop that!” he said with a chuckle. “You know what that does to me, I don’t want to turn into an animal around you,” he said.

I gave him a playful smile and said in a seductive voice, “ Maybe I’m asking you to.”

He laughed. “You are a very bad girl.” I brushed his hair out of his face and kissed him. “ I love you,” he said.

“I love you too,” I said. Suddenly a large black wolf emerged from the bushes transforming into a man much older than Drag. “Drag, so this is where you have been scampering off to,” said the man. He shot me a look and said, “The vampire princess…really? Now I know you can do better than this. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to kill her.” Then quicker than lightning he dug his fangs into my neck. I screamed in pain. My vision started to blur and I started to faint. Then suddenly a blonde wolf jumped into sight smashing into the man so hard his jaws released their grip. I fell to the ground, my vision blurred, and then everything went black. It was only a few seconds, but it felt like hours, when I opened my eyes.

I saw Drag in human form laying on the ground and the black wolf leaning over him. I suddenly sprung to my feet feeling stronger than ever. I quickly grabbed the wolf by his throat, tossed him up in the air and as he came down I brought a full powered kick to the side of his head. I heard his neck snap and that was the end of him. I ran to Drag. He was wounded pretty bad. I cut my wrist and made him drink. Then he passed out. I picked him up and carried him to the castle and up to my room.

As I waited for him to wake, I noticed something. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something flicker back and forth. I quickly turned around but saw nothing, except my reflection in the mirror. Wait…I’m a vampire I don’t have a reflection. I saw it then, it was…a snow-white tail. My white tail. I also had dog ears. I guess when the man bit me, he must have infected me. I was a new breed of the supernatural. I was a tribrid. Drag was becoming conscious. “Who was that man?” He looked at my ears and then at my tail, then raised an eyebrow. “Hello, baby. Who was that guy?” I said.

He said, “That was Delgado. He’s my father!”

I replied, “Wait, wait. If he’s your dad that would make you the new lycan leader since he is dead.”

“Yeah I guess it would,” he said still a little dizzy. “What’s with the ears and tail?” he asked.

“I don’t know, I guess when Delgado bit me, he infected me,” I said.

“Then why are you still alive if he infected you?” he asked.

“Why shouldn’t I be?” I asked.

“Many vampires have tried to increase power by combining the power of the vampire with a lycan’s. But they all died in process. So why are you still alive?” he asked.

“I don’t…Wait…I’m not all vampire, I’m also part angel. Maybe the two combined were too powerful for the infection to kill me and instead it only made me stronger,” I explained.

“Maybe, but it doesn’t matter as long as you’re okay. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you,” he said with a smile. He sat up in the bed and pulled me into his lap. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he leaned into kiss me. He kissed me hard and long and squeezed me tighter. Then suddenly the door swung open.

“Perciosa, my dear, I have some good and ba-.” I shot off of Drag’s lap like a bullet.

“Hi Daddy. Ummm, I can explain.” Ohhh snap!

One Wrong Move

“Daddy, this…this is Drag. Drag Mursus. He’s my boyfriend,” I said in a nervous voice.

“My dear, of all princes why him? Look what he has done to you?” he said full of anguish.

“This is not his fault, he did nothing but steal my heart. It was Delgado,” I said. I quickly explained what had happened from killing Delgado to why the infectious bite didn’t kill me.

“You killed Delgado?” Dracula asked me. I nodded . “And he saved you?” he asked pointing to Drag. I nodded once more. He turned to Drag. He took him by the hand and shook it. “Thank you, you are a wise lycan. The wolves need a leader like you,” Dracula said. I smiled and threw my arms around Drag’s neck. “So many days I have dreamed the clans would unite and end the war. I never believe it could happen. This calls for a celebration. We will have a big ball and for the first time in a thousand years lycans and vampires will be in the same room together and at peace with each other,” Dracula said.

“So daddy, what were you going to tell me?” I asked.

He said, “Oh yes, that’s right I almost forgot! I have bad news my darling. It seems some vamps have come up missing. I need you to find the source which are causing this, but beware I fear there may be forces at work with more power than I even possess. Take this,” he said as he pulled a large, metallic sword from a marble case in my room. It was stunning. The blade was sharper than a dragon’s tooth. It was embolded with the lycan and vampire crest and encrusted with onyx stone. I grabbed it and let it do a vertical 360 in my hand. It was like holding air.

“Perciosa?” said a familiar voice from behind me. I quickly turned around and saw the person I never thought I would see again. It was Claira.

“Oh my god, I have missed you so much,” I said.

“I’ve missed you too,” she said. She ran and gave me a big hug.

But as her arms flew around me I heard Drag yell, “Look out!” And before I knew it I felt a sharp pain in my back. I hit the ground.

“Sorry, Perciosa but I’m can’t be friends with someone who sickens the lord, I’ve come to finish the job. And now I can finish off your dog lover too.” She raced passed me towards Drag. He was flat on his back in seconds. She stood over him with a silver blade. “Hey, winged pukeface.” BOOM! A full powered punch and she was on the ground. She'd never even seen it coming.

“What in the lord’s name? How are you still alive?” she screamed with anger.

“Might want to do your research next time, dirtbag. I’m tribrid, I’m not affected by the silver or the stake because I’m part angel. You know what that means. You're about to get your butt kicked.” I picked her up by her feet and slung her around and around. I let go and she shot through midair and crashed into a tree. I walked over and grabbed her by the throat and body slammed her against the tree once more.

She screamed in pain. “I’m sorry. Please have mercy! Remember all the good times we had. I swear if you let me down I’ll stay with you and I won’t return to have. It will be like the good ol’ days,” she said. I looked into her eyes and I began to trust her again. I let go of her and she slid to the ground. That was my mistake. She then jumped up and drop kicked me in the stomach. I was now the dumbest Tribrid, well okay I was the only tribrid, in the world. But she had just made a very bad move. I planted my fist right into her not as gorgeous as me face. It made quiet the improvement. She punched, I dodged, I punched, she bleed.

“I…can’t…believe…use to… call you…my…BFF. You are…nothing…but a…backstabbing… know it all… bimbo!” I screamed as I flew up and kicked her in the throat and nailed her to the ground with my wings. “Sorry, Claira, but it looks like you’re not going to finish the job either,” I said then Drag handed me her silver sword. I said, “Good night!” And with one slash of the blade and she was finished. “You know I really love this sword, I think I might keep it.” I gave Drag a playful look as I said this. This was only a battle in the war. God was not finished, this was only the beginning.

Written by Written_ROSES96
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