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The Legend Of Sunshine And Rain

"Conflict between light and darkness over placing light on earth."

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When Earth was void of love and life, 

And darkness reigned supreme.

There was no time, nor thing, nor place,

That darkness had not seen.

The Lord of Light, while traveling through the realm of darkness, saw the tiny planet Earth in that darkness, and felt much pity for it. So she traveled to the furthest corner of the universe to seek the Lord of Darkness. She told the Lord of darkness how she had felt sorry for Earth there alone in its darkness, and had decided to place light upon it.

The Lord of Darkness became very angry, and shouted, “No, No, I rule darkness and Earth is in my dark domain.”

The Lord of Light insisted that half of the universe was hers to rule, and there was no light in that portion of it. After much debate it was agreed that the Lord of Light was entitled to hang one sun in that portion of darkness. It was to be positioned so as not to dominate the planet with a constant light at any time.

And so the Lord of light hung the sun in a position that enabled half of Earth to have light, while the other half remained in darkness. The Lord of Darkness called his half “Night,” And the Lord of Light called her half “Day.”

All went well for a very long time, and the Lord of Darkness had all but forgotten the small planet Earth, except that one night during his travels, he had noticed that Earth had taken on a strange green glow. Quickly he sought out the Lord of Light saying,

“What is this strange glow that the planet Earth has taken on?”

The Lord of Light explained that life had begun to grow upon the planet as a result of light being placed there.

“Then you have tricked me, for I know nothing of this thing called life. You have taken advantage of me and you are trying to rule both your day and my night.”

“Perhaps you are right, as I did not tell you about life as I knew you would not understand it. What would you have me do to correct this injustice?“ The Lord of Light quietly replied.

“You must allow me to send forth shades of darkness into your day” Lord Darkness shouted. “They will see all that is to be seen, and each night, will report back to me. They shall be called, Shadows.”

“I will agree to your shadows, but only if you allow me to sprinkle particles of light throughout your night. They need not have the ability to see into your darkness, but need only to be seen within your darkness. I will call them Stars.”

“Agreed,” shouted the Lord of Darkness, feeling that he had gained the advantage with the agreement. “You have my word.”

“Then let us hang a moon in Earth’s heaven as a token of your word and our agreement. This moon will have no power of light and will serve only as a reminder of our agreement and of the trust that we have between us. And you can use this moon as a place where your shadows can stay and rest between their travels back and forth between light and darkness.”

And so it was agreed and the moon was hung next to the planet Earth. The shadows stayed busy traveling back and forth between darkness and Earth, reporting all that they had seen. It was not long before they made mention of Man and of Women and of Love and Joy.

Anger again swelled within the lord of darkness and he stormed around looking for the Lord of light. Upon finding her, he thundered, “Again you have tricked me; your sun has given life to the planet Earth. Your stars twinkle brightly into my night for all to see, and that silly moon reflects your day into my night. And now there is Man and Women, and what are these things called Love and Joy? You must take away that moon and call in your stars.”

“We have an agreement, you and I, the Lord of Light said softly. That moon is a token of that agreement. However, if you insist, I will call in my stars and take the moon down out of the heavens, but you will have to take back your shadows”.

“Take back my shadows,, I will not take back my shadows. How would I see into your day? How would I know what Man is doing? No, No, I will not take back my shadows.”

“Then our agreement stands,” the Lord of Light sternly stated.

Grumbling and cursing, the Lord of Darkness stormed back to his realm in the center of darkness, where He stomps around and sends dark clouds to block the sunlight from Earth. And his stomping and grumbling is the thunder that we hear during a dark thunderstorm.

The Lord Mother of Light, sits upon her throne, which is in the center of light, where she smiles at the stars and makes them wink and twinkle in the night. She laughs at the silly shadows as they try to shade out portions of the sun. And now and then, she takes a portion of the moon and shines it up before hanging it back in place. And the moon still hangs in Earth’s heaven, where it screams the promise of another day into night’s darkness.

And when the Lord of Light smiles, there is sunshine everywhere in her day. And when she claps her hands in joy and laughter, lighting flashes across the dark sky to scare raindrops out of the dark ugly clouds, and to send darkness fleeing.

The End.

Written by plumnearly2
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