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Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by AnnaMayZing
Quote by yurigagarin


Just a small thing... where is the trigger in this picture? I can't see it?

Sorry Anna - I was being a little obtuse there ( not unusual for me !)

Trigger is the name of the guitar Willie Nelson has played for the last 52 years - because of it's provenance it's become quite famous, and has even been hidden to prevent it being
seized by the IRS.

Since 1969, Willie Nelson has played one guitar, and one guitar only - a Martin N-20 (4-20?) he named Trigger after Roy Rogers' horse. "I figured," Nelson told Dallas Monthly in 2012, "this is my horse."

The acoustic model is not only famous for the longevity of it and its owner (Nelson turned 86 on April 29), but for the second gaping hole created over the years by the sheer force of Nelson's playing. It also has been autographed by many friends; some are more visible than others.

The article explains how the guitar has been maintained for the last 45 years - thanks, in large part, to Austin guitar repairman Mark Erlewine, who reconditions Trigger twice a year. About the hole, he notes, "I always thought it enhanced the sound."
Advanced Wordsmith
Elizabeth - where was it we ended up last night ? - I thought we were just going for a coffee !
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Verity
Quote by Ping

I can't recall if I posted this. Check out the first song. Love it. Mesmerizing. The others are pretty good too.

Psst. Verbs. Left some limoncello for you in the fridge by the men's washroom. Sadly, that fridge doubles as sample storage for the clinic next door. Sorry bud. I forgot to cross out the label on the plastic sample cup for the limoncello.

Take your chances?
Yes, lovely music. I can imagine dancing naked around Stonehenge on the summer solstice. Too much information I guess. Regards, Verity
Advanced Wordsmith
Going away to the coast for just a few days

There's only two of us - do we really need all this stuff ??

Advanced Wordsmith
Fireworks -lots of loud bangs

from a party at a local football club out in the countryside about a mile away from home !

Expecting more tomorrow evening if the England football game goes our way !

Advanced Wordsmith
On my own in the house and feeling happy - so it has to be Madness

"Baggy Trousers"


Forgive me - I'm English and Eccentric !
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Verity
Quote by Ping
Quote by Verity
I was getting all excited there. In the end it was Harley worth it. Regards, Verity

Noooo. Your punny went there. You made a Yama-HA.

Cold coffee brew, please. The boy is at golf camp. The dogs and I will be walking the girl to a friend’s home for a play date. The grass needs cutting’ but the sun is shining. Sounds like a perfect time for a two-wheeled cruise on the open black top to nowhere.

Have a groovy hump day!
I thought your pun was wheelie good, a Triumph.

Didn't Marlon Brando ride a Triumph in his film " A Sidecar Named Desire " ??
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by DenimAngel
hi peeps
A beautiful day here
A large iced coffee sounds good to me right now
Ugh was a pincushion today had to have an allergy shot (yuck) but it keeps them at bay.

*Waves hi to Trevor*
Trevor cookies in Big Bird cookie jar is diabetic friendly. cookies in the Cookie Monster cookie jar are regular cookies. I take request for cookies !
Guess you could say I'm the Cookie Lady around here
This Is a great place to hang out !

*Peeking in the cookie jars* yay we are in good shape.
I think a nap might be in order * grabbing my coffee and favorite blanket and moseys over to my favorite big blue chair in the corner *
Stay safe everyone

Hi Denim Angel
Thanks for the wave and the directions to the cookie jars !
It is a great place to hang out, and hopefully I'll be able to meet more of you lovely people in here
Hugs to everyone !

Advanced Wordsmith
One 'song' that brings back happy childhood memories was Rossini's " William Tell Overture" finale
purely as it was used as the theme music for the 1950's TV series " The Lone Ranger " - an episode of
which I'd see every Saturday morning at the local Odeon cinema !

Happy innocent days 😊

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Rumple_deWriter
How y'all are? Has Yuri been given the newbie tour of Storie(S)pace and, of course, that oasis of old world culture and charm DBA, Inspirations? If not, then Trevor can count himself one lucky carbon based lifeform.

Welcome to Inspirations, Yuri. Feel free to wander around aimlessly and make yourself at home. Last time the subject came up most Storie(S)pacers claimed to have had their shots and to be housebroken. ;)

In the strange but true category, I actually managed to vote and comment on several micros after reading and enjoying one and all. What's more, I also manage to slip in a little work on my contest entry. And speaking of contest entries, I'd savored Verity's a little while ago and now, with my doing the deed with Survivors, I can claim to have read 100% of the contest entries. I'm here to tell ya, all that dang near wore me out. ;)

Coffee's cooked and the te kettle is kettling away. Me, I'm gonna fill my mug with that dark roast brew, grab a handful of Sarah's goodies, so to speak, and hunker down at the corner table to check on ball scores and other important happenings.

Later, Inspirators.

No Rumple - there's been no tour for me for me I'm afraid - I thought I had been put on the naughty step along with Verity's Albert - although I suspect
he was only there keeping me company !

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by elizabethblack
Roland, you love math jokes! Oh, sent me on a hunt to find some for you...

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Verity
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by Ping

Buddy, scoring systems have been debated for many years, here and there. It is generally viewed as being flawed and imperfect. It must be noted that there is NO perfect system. There are many reasons as to why, and these can be discussed in more detail if desired. Bottom line: Nothing is gained by scoring anyone’s story or poem less than a fiver. But one risks unnecessarily pissing people off by scoring anything less. It’s just not worth it.

Know what? I'll happily take a 3 or 4 IF there's a comment explaining what is wrong. A current story elsewhere has picked up some 3s and 4s but there's no comments really saying anything critical so I don't know why, and that's what pisses me off. But, as I have already argued elsewhere, most people treat the current system as a "Reaction" system rather than a scoring system so maybe that's where it should go. You could have Like, Love, HaHa (for funny stories), Sad (for tragic or otherwise sad stories), Wow (for really, really good stories or stories that cause amazement and wonder). Maybe others. Those just come to mind based on the reactions we use for posts on Wondercafe2.

Quote by Ping
If you want to relay your thoughts - negative or constructive - do so in a PM. Most writers, as fickle as most are, prefer that. Egos are a delicate thing.

Oh, yeah. Rump in particular has left me some good PMs on my stories over the years. Less so recently, which maybe means I am improving or just that he's given up on me.
I’m new to writing but still I’m going to give my 10c if I may. I don’t understand how the whole scoring thing works. All I do know is that if someone is prepared to sit down a write a story, for free and I read it, I will score it a five. Even if I don’t like the story, I will give it a five. I’m not sure about anyone else but writing doesn’t come easy to me. I do write on another site that as a lady I won’t mention, cough. Over there I receive some really good scores and comments. The readership is much higher over there so that’s not too hard. The readership on here is quite low at the moment. Anyone who writes a story for here is not chasing the high scores; they are doing it for the love of writing. Therefore I will always give them a five. So, a big thank you to all the very nice people who give up their time to write on Stories Space. Just keep writing and enjoying it. I think you are all jolly good.

As a relative newbie may I add a comment?
I always like to leave a comment on a story - because I believe its only right and fair to say a few words of encouragement for anyone who has taken the time to submit a story or poem for publishing- having said that, since I've been a member of this forum I haven't seen a bad story yet !
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Verity
Ladies and gentlemen, the coffees are on me. England just beat Germany in the European championships.

As Verity so kindly treated us all to coffee after the last football victory please may I celebrate England's win over Ukraine by treating all my friends
to coffee and, cakes, etc. this morning

Please help yourself to the buffet !

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by AnnaMayZing

Now stop it Anna - you and I can't like the same music all the time - can we ??

Mrs Yuri and I have been to see Rumer a few times - the last being when she sang with the Jools Holland Orchestra at the
Birmingham Symphony Hall !
Advanced Wordsmith
Been on this forum two weeks today, and just thinking about the lovely friends I've made !