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16 hours ago


Quote by WriterGirl

Hi everyone! 😊

I agree with Gillian, a cornfield is an excellent setting. My neighborhood I grew up in backed into a cornfield. I’d watch kids play in it from my 2nd floor bedroom window. I loved playing hide-n-seek and tag and just exploring. As we aged, the games changed in that cornfield. 😉

Enjoy the weekend everyone! ❤️

It's fun to write about cornfields, because I grew up around them, and know all sorts of creepy details. For instance, if you walk into a cornfield, much of the rustling you hear around you is...rats!

Speaking of creepy, saw a great production of Turn of the Screw last night. One of the great induring ghost stories. I find Henry James impossible to read, but Turn of the Screw is his masterpiece.

Coffee would be swell.

Still here. I am wading into the climax of my "cosmic horror in Iowa cornfields" novel. Filled out a bunch of index cards last night, trying to get events in the right order and not leave anything out. Nerve-wracking.

I'm on a podcast next month!

Other than that, still making my five phone calls and sending my two emails every morning, trying to stave off this darkness in our government and civic life.

Coffee please!

Quote by Mendalla

Cool. Are you sure their name is Bob, though? Looks like they could be a Robcat or maybe a Hobcat. 🤣

Good afternoon. Weather turned nice, if chilly, after a rather grey morning.

Hope all are well. Even after my attempt at humour above.🙄🤪

His full name is Robert T. Cat.

Nothing new here. It's gorgeous out, if windy. Still noveling the novel, still anxious for baseball season to start.

Coffee please.

Ooh, I like cannolis.

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone.

Woke up yesterday morning, made the coffee, looks out the window, and saw a bobcat! What a magnificent cat.

Enjoy the day. Don't let any revelers puke on your shoes!

Just popping in to say hi. Hope everyone is well.

Coffee please. And a treat! I'll just gnaw on this old rice krispie treat I found under the chair. smile

Quote by JamesPBear
The best thing to do, as an American citizen, is to call your senators and representative, and complain that you can't get the services you're paying taxes for, and you're not happy about it. Even if they don't respond, they tally the calls, and it affects how they behave.

I make 5 phone calls (President, 2 Senators, Representative, AG) and 2 emails (2 state Congressmen) every morning. Very short script, and i change it every day. It's a good way to begin the day. Makes me feel less helpless.

Personally, I think they are tanking the stock market on purpose to declare emergency powers. Just a theory.

Baseball season is 2 weeks away!

Knee deep in a new novel. Cosmic horror in Iowa cornfields.

Coffee please!

Yeah, I'll admit to some pool envy here as well.

Warm and sunny here. It's a false Spring, winter always comes roaring back in March and April.

Baseball preseason is alive and well! The Mets have an EXCELLENT team this year, we shall see how way they do. I may find myself rooting for some Canadian teams this year.

Coffee please!

Ooh, yum, beignets (can't spell that word to save my life)!

Congrats to all the winners of the comp! I only read a handful, sorry for being lazy this go-round.

Busy morning! Flat tire, so I had to fill it up , drive it to the tire shop, and walk home in the cold. I have to walk BACK in the cold to get my car in a few hours. Wah!

Hot coffee sure would warm me up!

Congrats to Expresso, Kat, and WG for the podium wins, and the top ten, ad of course anyone who entered! Sorry I wasn't around much for this comp, but the entries I've read were excellent.

Thanks Molly, for setting all this up.

Quote by WriterGirl

Emotional day sorting through stuff. Found an old album of young pics of my parents. They started dating in the 9th grade. Mom saved Valentines cards from him in the album, too. They had just celebrated their 60th anniversary before Mom passed away.

Sweet memories. Glad you were able to keep those Valentine cards. Worth their weight in gold.

Thongs are fine here. Weather was AWESOME this weekend - false summer. Sadly, it starts snowing again tonight. Still, I got several walks in.

Off to write. Carpe pencil! Coffee please!

Quote by WriterGirl

Morning peeps! wave

Busy weekend here. My sister and I are sorting through all of Dad’s stuff we didn’t move. Where we are minimalists, Dad is a hoarder. 🙄

I’ve decided to create a book of my favorite scribbles to give to my son. I can easily (and cheaply) do it on Kindle Publishing. Create the doc, upload it, don’t publish, but have Kindle print me the unpublished writer’s copy for me to review. smile I’ll give it to my son, and probably print one for myself, maybe my sister, too. I’m calling it “My Imaginary Friends”

Have a great weekend! ❤️

Giving your son a book of stories sounds like a cool idea. Good for you! And cool for him.

I dipped a toe in the comp entries but haven’t read many. I’ll hit more of them this weekend.

Not much going on here. Same old thing. Talia got me a treadmill for Christmas and I’ve been digging it. I’m binging on Brooklyn 99 and The Good Place while I “walk.” Did I spell binging right?

I hope everyone is well. Coffee!

Nice to see so many folks hitting the comp! I will get to the entries soon. Just not feeling comps lately.

I hope everyone is well. My therapist finally reared her head! I was worried about her. A death in her family, it appears.

Warm and sunny today. Yesterday too - I even took a walk outside!

Coffee please. Any cookies?

I like mowing the lawn. I even use a motor-less push mower (my terrible secret: I use an electric mower for the back yard).

I even like shoveling snow, though we don’t get as much as you Canadians. Sill, we got a few inches last night, so I will be shoveling today.

Coffee please!

Gill and WG, if I said nightly prayers, you two would be in them. True heroes, in my mind.

Thanks for the props on selling to the Canadian mag, WG. Yes, it was a thrill to sell.

Lots of comp entires! I’m sitting comps out for a while, but it looks fun.

Snowing and sunny right now. Very pretty.

A coffee would be swell.

Ooh, those brownies look delicious!

I’ll have one and a cup of coffee.

I am worried about my therapist. Ironic, huh? She canceled our last appointment and has been out of communication for a few weeks. I am scared she got fired, or caught up in a witch hunt of some kind.

Peace all.

Snowing here right now, and snow isn't even in the forecast. Strange days, indeed. Most peculiar Mama.

Sold a story to a Canadian mag: Gaslight Pulp! Any of you Canadians heard of it?

Coffee please. I found a rice krispie treat under my chair, I'll nibble on that!

No snow here, except what's left on the ground. Sunny day, in the 40s.

Woke up too early, so a bit groggy. Critique group tonight, so I need to wake up.


Quote by gillianleeza


smile Ha! That is exactly the way I feel today, even better than the pic I was planning to post.

Thanks for the cupcakes, WG! They look tasty!

The comp looks cool. Sadly, I can't think of anything to submit.

We are having a nice V Day here. I hope everyone is having a fine one, regardless of how you are celebrating (or ignoring) it.

Coffee please.

Cold and sunny here. Sunlight is bouncing off the snow and making the day bright and welcoming.

Didn't sleep well last night. Coffee would be swell.

Peace all.

Excellent theme, Molly. And it's flash! This should be fun.

Morning all.

I start every morning making five phone calls and sending two emails. That's the White House, my Congressmen, State Representatives, and the Attorney General of the Free State of Colorado. Takes me about ten minutes, and is my second week straight doing it. I'm going to keep doing it.

Coffee please.

I'm here. It's cold and snowing. Sorry, I've been laying low these last few days. I'm a little scattered. But I'm still here.

Writing goes well, though it has become really difficult to listen to the news.

Coffee please.

I’m glad your Dad back in the memory care unit, Gil. That is a tough road to walk. Thoughts are with you as always. I can’t listen to the news either.

Coffee would be swell.

tumbleweeds Where is everyone?

You know what they say, when life gives you tumbleweeds, make tumbleweed-ade! In addition to a large carafe of tumbleweed-ade, we have tumbleweed tea! And some tumbleweed bars! Plus our regular Costco coffee.

A warm sunny day. Should be lots of melting snow today in the street. It’ll set us up for a nice weekend.

Daughter will be going in for some major surgery soon. Sigh. Hopefully things will be just fine.

Sieze the carp!

And it officially a winter storm warning , which makes it a blizzard in my mind!

Quote by gillianleeza

Sending good, healing vibes your daughter's way.

Appreciate the vibes. I'll bounce them right back at you - I know how scary a hospital ER can be to someone with dementia. It is indeed sometimes awful to watch. Thinking of you.

It is snowy and windy here - not exactly a blizzard but not far removed. Happily we don’t have to go to in it.

I guess I am making coffee now tea and treats again. The percolator is perking, the tea is abrewing, and the cats are making a nice big batch of rice crispy treats. With hardly any cat spit in them!

I only got about 500 words in yesterday. Gotta hit it hard today. I guess the weather is conducive to that.

Have great day everyone!


Okay, I guess I can get the can of Costco coffee and put it in the percolator. And we have Zoomies tea on the ready.

I hope everyone is well. My daughter has a potentially scary doctor visit today, if you wanna throw some good healing vibes or prayers in her direction, that would be lovely.

Me, I am writing, and on call if she decides she wants me to go to the doctor with her.

Sieze the carp!

I can't even with the news today.

Coffee please. Black and bitter.