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The Geek from I.T.

When you need one - nothing else will do.

The Geek from I.T.By Tony Radford I was working away – was a most-fruitful day, the best that I’d had in a while, I’d made quite a dent with the time that I spent on a huge architectural-file. The version of CAD that my company had was a little bit ancien...


Story of Aimee Copeland and her battle against a flesh-eating bacteria.

Aimee It all begins – a group of friends – a trip in early May to a launching ledge at river’s edge where locals come to play. She took in hand the line that spanned the rushing, blue-divide, prepared for flight – she held on tight to reach the other side...

No Yesterday

True story

No Yesterday By Tony Radford She woke every morn like the day she was born with no knowledge of prior events, she couldn’t recall Sunday’s trip to the mall – or the flowers her granddaughter sent. Like an angel she slept, but nothing was kept, her memorie...

KC Murphy and the dog from hell

The paper boy and the vicious dog.

KC Murphy and the Dog from Hell The oldest one of Murphy’s sons – the one they named “KC”, would rise each morn to the task he’d sworn – tossing papers for a fee. He’d hit the road with a basket load he rolled the night before, for a five-mile ride throug...

The Ring

A tragic love story

by Tony Radford It was early fall when he hit the mall – a year past Y2K, at a jewelry store on the second floor – was a final bill to pay. He’d bought the ring that he planned to bring to his love – a big surprise, some wine, a rose, romantic prose – the...

The Drive-In

What we did as kids!

The Drive In By Tony Radford Some friends and I were driving by when we passed the old marquee and it spelled outright that the show that night was a flick we’d planned to see. It was ’69 and the storyline – starring Fonda, Jack and Hopper, was a tale of...

The Knife

I decided to take a walk on the dark side.

The Knife By Tony Radford A missile-flash, a chopper-crash – a field of charred debris, a team of five are burned alive – and that leaves only me. A stranded man in hostile land – my radio is cracked, a uniform that’s soiled and torn – at least I’m still...

The Yard by Tony Radford On a quietblock in Antioch there lived an evil man, a mind so vile – a pedophile who hatched a wicked plan. Behind his place he’d make a space and plant a shrub or two, a natural veil that might curtail a nosey-neighbor’s view. He...

The Neighbor's Wife

Good fortune comes to he who waits.

The Neighbor’s Wife By Tony Radford A gorgeous lass of angel-class and curly auburn hair, a lovely prize with pale-blue eyes – one couldn’t help but stare. She came alive at half past five when her day at work would end, and through the glass, I’d watch h...

A Sailor's Tale

A fantasy tale set in the mid 1800s.

A Sailor’s TaleBy Tony RadfordThey left the port of Aberdeen in eighteen fifty three,a crew of ten courageous men on the good ship Anne Marie.Of Clipper-class, with triple masts, her colors for the Queen,a heavy hold of Spanish gold, and tons of British t...

The View

A poem based on a short story with a twisted ending.

The View By Tony Radford An institute was built to suite some folks that most don’t know,a place to send our wounded men with no place else to go. In a room of white, all day and night two injured souls would layand never tread, confined to bed, forever b...


A tribute to those who choose to fight a dreaded disease.

Survivor By Tony Radford The story starts with racing hearts in a room with lots of chairs where patients wait, anticipate, so little talk – just stares. On the wall, a clock has stalled and time is standing still, a silent room, with thoughts of gloom th...

The Box

The Box is the story of the plight of a homeless veteran, a hero on the battlefield.

  With a face begrimed, an old man climbed from a tattered cardboard box to a sight he knew - was an alley’s view, beneath the loading docks. The morning light would end the fight he always had to face, though just a dream, it always seemed so real it lef...