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3 days ago
0 miles · Toronto, ON, Canada


Congrats to Verbal, ShyThespian and AnnaMayZing as well as the rest of the top 10. I'd have to say I was somewhat astounded by the quality of the entries, so many outstanding stories! Thanx to SS and judges who I have no doubt had a difficult task.

Quote by WriterGirl

I’m being honest when I say this is the best writing I’ve seen in a comp in a while. Y’all are always good, but the level of writing seems elevated in this one. Maybe this theme just hit everyone in a way that brought out their best. 😊 I hope a lot more entries are coming!

Agree! I'm really impressed with the writing quality and creativity. I think you're on to something about the just resonates.

I've collected stamps, coins, rocks, hockey cards and keychains as a kid. I still have the coins and stamps in a box somewhere. I used to collect vinyl records but stopped at around 500. These days I collect books including a few signed or first editions but nothing of great value. I figure I have 1200+ books nearly all hardcover.

Cats. Animals are cool and i like dogs but cats are fascinating and i love their attitude.

I don't remember when I started writing exactly but it was before high school. Other than basic grammar and composition I haven't had any formal writing instruction, it was just something I always enjoyed. I had an awesome teacher who really encouraged me. When I was in Grade 11 I wrote a story in English class that used the word "F***", something that was absolutely unacceptable at the time. The teacher loved the story and asked me to read it in class including the f-word. I got a standing ovation from the class although I'm pretty sure it was because I got away with swearing in class rather than the story itself. I didn't think that at the time and I think the reaction was a big factor in continuing to write. It was the first time I ever shared anything I wrote publicly. (A variation of this class reading crops up in a story i am currently working on.)