Breathing is not over rated. It defines us, a measure of our life from start to finish, marking momentous occasions at times with by quickening, or being stolen, just for a moment, from us.
The Mermaid's Madness, by Jim C. Hines. it's a series that recasts Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White as sort of Charile's Angels in fairy tale land - very light weight but good fun!
i am frustrated cause i can't fix my bathtub plug - i need more tools. and dynamite.
you'd be surprised at the places that sand can get into.
green tea. i am trying to quit caffeine again. i apologize in advance for being a bitch until i finally throw in the towel and put the monkey back on my back.
i honestly don't know what's going to happen in most of my stories. oh, i have an idea, and a start, but 9 times out of 10 the characters just sort of take over and guide it here or there and often to unexpected places. i wish i was a little more organized in plotting, but i think, to me, stories are like children. you do your best to push them along in the direction you think best of them while they do their best to follow their own desires. yeah, i know, i am strange....
Wonderland was an idea, one that i honestly didn't have an inkling to how it would end or even how it would get there and the ending in my head pretty much took me by surprise when it made it's appearence. i am, admittedly, VERY disorganized by nature. i envy Ashleigh's careful plotting but could certainly never do it - i need to write and making notes and plotting paths would frustrate me to no end, even if it meant a much better story.