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Over 90 days ago
United States


I joined for the administrative authority around here,,,
Lord knows; I need it

Opps, in answer to the question; Sherzahd convinced me that I needed this site.
I've learned a bunch from some of the best being here.
Thanks Lisa, and the rest of you crazzy nuts
Did you just develop perpetuall motion too while you were at it!
Nice work gav,,,,,, 3 or 4 sites an all

Sorry, after editing I realised that I cheated.
I never changed one letter

Quote by Sherzahd
Quote by gav
I guess I was a little too excited to get this release out, there its done!

Can you please inform me of anything odd you may see, thanks.

Odd? You need to be more specific, because with Mr. Martini around, there is always something 'odd' happening......

So true Sherzahd,, but after hanging around DirtyM for so long
all his oddities seem like the norm these days.

Nice work Gav. Not that I would notice, but I'll keep my eyes peeled for mistakes or anything missing.
I am missing my sandwich and drink
Or was that did time in the South? Sorry, I get confused sometimes...

I know a few revenuers that could probly answer that DM.

And always remember me,,,,,after your rich an famous

I have to agree with Yasmin about fluff. As long as you keep it brief, and most important; entertaining.
I have my concerns about DirtyMartini's example though.
We'll never see that pipe again if Alan ever gets hold of it
Yeah hey Dirty,
I have a little something I want you to write for me
Damn Scooter...I had to look that's a city in Sweden...I had no idea...

Or a boat Dirty.

Quote by Louise
Quote by Sherzahd
Third Deadly Sin – Verbosity

I was looking at Dr Suess quotes and this jumped out - funny

So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore for the reader who reads.
Dr. Seuss

Thats a good one Louise. You can hardly top Dr. Seuss

Here's a couple apples for all my favorite teachers.

Mebe some day I'll figure out how to post a picture.
It's the reason I pretend I can't spell,
I call it color
I agree Yasmin, You're doing a fine job.
It's hard to be brief, when there's so much to learn.
It's almost scary Lisa,
I'm afraid to look back at my early work.
I used to fill my story with useless comma's, words, and apostrophes.
I think it dates back to the early 70's, when I was merely trying to fill two pages with garble, just to meet requirements.
I still struggle with apostrophes.
I've met some awesome teachers around these writing sites, and they have taught me a lot.
Of course, it takes a good teacher to learn me.
OK Yas, it's tommorrow now.
For one who never liked school, I'm enjoying the lessons.
I should print these as completed, and hang them as reminders.
Now, if I could just do something about all my other sins.