Did you just develop perpetuall motion too while you were at it!
Nice work gav,,,,,, 3 or 4 sites an all
Yeah hey Dirty,
I have a little something I want you to write for me
It's the reason I pretend I can't spell,
I call it color
I agree Yasmin, You're doing a fine job.
It's hard to be brief, when there's so much to learn.
It's almost scary Lisa,
I'm afraid to look back at my early work.
I used to fill my story with useless comma's, words, and apostrophes.
I think it dates back to the early 70's, when I was merely trying to fill two pages with garble, just to meet requirements.
I still struggle with apostrophes.
I've met some awesome teachers around these writing sites, and they have taught me a lot.
Of course, it takes a good teacher to learn me.
OK Yas, it's tommorrow now.
For one who never liked school, I'm enjoying the lessons.
I should print these as completed, and hang them as reminders.
Now, if I could just do something about all my other sins.