Three to four years ago, I'm afraid my answer would of been something like; I enjoy looking at the pictures
more than I do the reading part. I never had the time so it seemed.
Like DirtyMartini, I'm a very slow reader and I get caught up stumbling on many words that have more than
10 letters and even a few that only have four.
I've found the more I read, the less I stumble.
I can control the volume and the pace. There's nothing worse than a fast paced movie where they
jump from scene to scene in a confusing manner, all the while raising volume for effects.
A good author can create an intense scene with a few words.
I can take a commercial break anytime I choose.
I can even take a vacation and take the book with me, or come back to it.
I could stack 4 or 5 books and use them for a ladder, but I've only done that a few times.
I appreciate the fact that books don't have a flashing blue digital clock like most everything else in my house.
If I do happen to watch a good movie, in time I forget 90% of what I saw.
If I read a good book, I remember it word for word.
You paited quite a picture ther DM
The knives landed one by one...
Once upon a clear dark night an elderly man with a wicked cat who ate all of his freshly caught shrimp in a most peculiar, yet satisfyingly white china bowl.
There were sounds outside his window as the wind turbine that spins came crashing down scattering the crows. The sounds of wings, furious and flapping came through the darkness.
And with that become clear that the old man's home was not a good place, not like before. He chose to ignore it for he already knew the reason for it was time warped. So, instead he joined the circus. There, he became an amazing acrobat who created a entertaining show for the elderly folk who ate watermelons and spit seeds into the offending crowd of onlookers.
Covered in seeds, the acrobat then promptly took his large knives and sliced a huge potato in dodecahedrons — took great care with each 12-sided shape before throwing his knives back to the sous-chef
who swore in - six different language's
Nice work 2bfree.
Hard work really does pay off.
I still can't find my sandwich
who ate watermelons- and spit seeds