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The High And The Humble Chapter One

Apprentice stable manager Jack has a rough first encounter with a young high class lady

Horses tended, all ten stable stalls, swept and cleaned, and the resultant manure loaded onto the wagon, Jack Wetherley, apprentice stable manager on the Brandling estate, considered that a decent Monday morning’s work done. Jack blinked in the bright noo...

Hectic Christmas

Young part-timer gets Christmas shopping lesson

It was the largest department store in the city, with the food department covering most of the ground floor. And it was there that I had taken up a part-time job on the Saturdays of my final year in college. Quite a comfortable little job loading bakery s...

All Through the Night

Man has sleep disturbed while wife sleeps

Up, unwilling out of sleep’s sensuous pit. Again, the cry, thin, tentative. Fourth time tonight? Fifth? Cosy-rosy dreams fade. Windows, still winter dark. Time? Late—were there streetlights? Reach blindly for clock on table. Sleep-numb fingers touch but o...


A man wishes he had a better memory

I went to the doctor’s recently, and after hearing my symptoms he diagnosed that I had Age Activate Attention Deficit Disorder. These were my symptoms: I need to wash my car. As I head towards the garage, I notice the mail on the hall table. I decide to g...

Score 7 7
245 Views 245
428 words 428 words

I Am Viennese (Part three)

After much troubled existence, Mira is unwillingly on the move.

That November night, Mira would later learn, went down in history. It seemed normal enough as the nuns tended the various children in the dormitory. But before they could even get to sleep, the noises from the heart of the city began. Mira thought she hea...

I Am Viennese (Part two)

Mira heads deeper under the Nazi influence

That Thursday, all pupils were called into the minor-hall in the convent, where the Mother Superior, her voice cracking occasionally, told them that under a decree from the German High Command and with immediate effect, the Roman Catholic nuns would no lo...

I Am Viennese (Part One)

An 11year old Austrian girl discovers the reality of Nazi unity

It was 1938 and Mira Wurtz, eleven years old, loved to eavesdrop the gossip of the customers in the grocery store where she bought the weekend bread and milk for her busy Grossmama (grandmother), Jana Kanner. Here in the city of Vienna, talk, for a long t...

Winter's Hope

Shy young man is uncertain of his choice of location for a first date

The river, smooth as a land-locked pool glows silver below us, and the snow crunches under our feet as we stroll towards the mid-point of the bridge. So many times, my searches for nature’s gifts have led me here. But never in winter. And never with a wom...

Score 18 18
409 Views 409
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Young man hopes are inspired by sight of lovely lady

If I could write a poem, I’d celebrate her style How roses blush in envy, At the radiance of her smile. As I sit in awe, just watching Her form, aglow in silken white. Now she waits, in peace and loveliness For her chosen, loving knight If I could write a...

Score 27 27
361 Views 361
290 words 290 words

Staying Alive

Aging man reviews life's chances

Hospitals have always made me uneasy, and that was only when visiting. Now, here I was, a patient, and breathing easy. Not allowed to get up yet, though. They don’t half fuss over me. “You’re a special case, Mr Fuller,” the nurses keep saying. Doctors, wh...

Score 5 5
265 Views 265
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Woman On The Bridge

Young investigator seeks truth after death of entrepreneur

At 3.23 a.m. on the 27th of November 1998, the body of 64 years old Norton L. Broadbent was found on the quayside beneath the old Cosborough Bridge. Given the extensive injuries there was little doubt that he had fallen the twenty feet from the bridge. Br...

Score 4 4
326 Views 326
3.6k words 3.6k words


Young man has first lesson in infatuation

Strange, isn’t it? Those small things that get listed in the memo pad of the mind. Brief, inconsequential in their setting, and outcome, yet noted, sharp and clear as any major incidents that give our lives direction. A lifetime ago, drawn by the music, I...

Score 7 7
268 Views 268
1.4k words 1.4k words

That Moment

Elderly man uneasily recalls an incident from his youth

Just that—a moment. Not a life resolving, world changing event. Trivial, you will think it. But for me, a just-turned-sixteen, raw, callow adolescent with little knowledge of the way of the world, it was a mind stirring, almost upsetting moment, recalled...

Score 3 3
277 Views 277
3.6k words 3.6k words

Seeking and Finding

Young man seeking memorial finds unexpected relationship

APRIL 1918 Loose soil, mud and clay, dropped from his head and face as he raised his shoulders and chest. Legs still buried, he struggled to free them. Dirt-blurred eyes viewed devastation. Slowly, ears reached beyond a ghostly silence, to take in harsh d...

Score 3 3
323 Views 323
5.4k words 5.4k words

Happy Check-up

Elderly man takes doctor's advice.

Elderly Joe Vickers faced Doctor Reed and asked for a full physical examination. The doctor looked puzzled, “Why now?” Joe smiled, “I’m getting married.” “That’s splendid.” “I’m eighty-two and she’s twenty-four,” Joe said. The doctor looking dubious, but...

Score 5 5
356 Views 356
113 words 113 words