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Over 90 days ago
United States



I’m sitting in my room doing my homework when I hear the doorbell ring. I get up from my desk to go answer it. Before I can get there my mom already answers it. I can’t quite make what she’s saying, or who she’s talking to. I can tell that the other person is a girl, but I’m not sure if it’s Scarlet. I keep watching as my mom moves away from the door, and invites the person in. I don’t believe it, it’s Nikita the girl fro...

Everyday around three o’clock I would walk home from school. I walk home because my mom didn’t have a car. It wasn’t because she couldn’t drive. Oh no, it was nothing like that. My mother use to drive until the fatal crash that killed my father. That was the day my mother’s whole demeanor changed. She became this overbearing parent that worried about everything. She had three emotional breakdowns in the first month of my...