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Over 90 days ago



My head was up in the clouds No daylight to be found. White and gray clouds covered my sight I could not see for my mind was in flight. I looked all around and all I could see Was the clouds covering me. I felt like I was in a plane And all the passengers...

avenue of love

searching for love

(9/24/12) Love is an avenue of which to explore Go to any shop and open the door Shops for every feeling known to man Walk in to understand. Shops for pain, sorrow , bitterness and heartbreak Shop around - it’s not to late. Shops for joy , happiness, cont...

broken home

getting away from abuse

Broken home she came from a broken home where the parents at each other would throw stones. every day they would argue, bicker and fight, all the way till the night. not realizing their Childs plight. the child to them in turn would scream but in the batt...

He traveled all night anxious to get home He heard the familiar ring and picked up his phone With tears in his eyes he covered his face For it was his wife--Samantha--Samantha grace. Her doctor had told her that she was dying And seeing this specialist wa...

don't be put down

people who love to intimidate others

Some say I’m over weight- while some say I’m fat. I say I’m big boned - my doctor told me that. What does weight matter? - does it mean I can’t love? I was made this way - by GOD up above. My brother is tall and thin- they say he’s bones and skin. Why doe...

Living in poverty- the trapper and family Born high in the mountains of Tennessee With no running water, or electricity. Living in rags that her father found in the woods Was her only salvation, her only goods. They put her in pampers that they had found...

how beautiful is pregnancy

we are nothing without them

(9/27/12) A man is so glad to know- that inside you His child grows. The most beautiful thing on this earth Is a woman giving birth. As her stomach starts to grow And her soft caressing hands begin to show You’ll see her face take on a radiating glow. She...

female soldiers

giving credit where credit is due

Female Soldiers they are soldiers fighting a war across the ocean, but their hearts are at home seeking love and devotion. love from our country, devotion from their family. that is all that they need. they joined the military to fight for what they belie...

praying hands

this is about answered prayers

Praying hands I had a dream with my lord CHRIST He touched my head , not once but twice. I felt my body jump up in bed I saw the nail holes in his hands that bled. I felt the power of his healing hands He showed it to me so I could understand. With faith...

(8/18/12) We were soldiers young and brave Now we lay here in our grave Does anyone remember me when I lived And that I had so much to give. I wanted all the things that everyone else did But my thoughts I had hid. Knowing that I was going to war To a far...

Can you picture JESUS (09/19/11) Can you picture the blood of JESUS lying on the ground While laying on this cross being nailed and bound The pain that was etched on his face As he prayed for the lord's grace. The nails being driven through his hands and...

the rose

finding peace after a death

The rose (love story) She was only 21-when her fiancés life Was taken with a gun. They had three years together And life was getting so much better. They had plans for a wedding in June But it ended much too soon. He had given her a long stem rose Then he...