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Decisive Moments - Chapter 2

And the plot thickens

I closed my text book with a loud snap and checked the time on my cell phone. I groaned when I saw that I had been studying for almost four hours and still had what felt like a mountain of homework left. Teagan had cautioned me about taking so many classes my first semester but I had been stubborn. I wanted to get the basic courses out of the way as soon as possible. As I looked at the books and papers scattered around me...

Decisive Moments

Life is made up of choices and decisions.

“Are you for real right now?” I heard my best friend Penny ask me from the other side of the room. I stood up and turned to look at her with a frown. “What are you talking about?” I asked as I shoved the same chunk of hair out of my eyes for the thousandth time with annoyance. It was times like these that I really wanted to just hack the crap off. Penny looked at me dumbfounded. “Seriously? Ash! – You brought every book a...

Pivotal Moments - Chapter Three

Aislinn calls for reinforcements

I stormed up the stairs, mentally cursing my brother. I glanced behind me at an unexpected noise and fought to hold in a sigh. I really didn’t need this right now. But the dog was sitting at the foot of the stairs, ears perked and tail thumping. Refusing to smile, I caved. Retracing my steps, I walked back down the steps and lightly patted him on the head. “There! Happy now?” He looked up expectantly. “What?” It was obvio...

Pivotal Moments - Chapter Two

Aislinn explains the fight

As I stomped down the stairs I muttered under my breath about the stupidity and insensitivity of the male species. My brother was definitely one that made you want to rethink getting involved with a guy; he was about as sensitive as a freaking rock. I kept tromping down the stairs, grumbling. Reaching the bottom step, I froze. There it was, standing guard, almost like it was waiting for me. The beast. I did not want to go...

Pivotal Moments - Chapter One

Your life can change in the blink of an eye; these incidents are known as 'Pivotal Moments'.

Everyone has that ‘thing’, that place where your life suddenly changes and you have no control over it. It’s a fixed point in time that you later look back on and say to yourself, “Yeah! Right there. That’s when it all started.” For some, it’s a joyous occasion; the birth of a child, graduating from college or buying a house. For others, it’s tragic. Their point could be the death of a loved one or maybe a divorce. But th...