Glad you are Okay LAH, In the mean time I will occupy my proper position at the end of the line.
Sorry Kieth, I'll take over now. You can remain with your piers.
Growl from the hard drive on my computer. It's dying a slow death!
We have shared many conversations in the past.
Sadly, I fear, she was short changed in our exchanges.
Elizabeth ( That was an easy one )
Lovely Beachcombing fisherperson
Sorry SC, but this is the Last Post is mine
Sorry Roland, but by reckoning I am way older than you!
Dang young whipper-snapper
Old guys rule the end of the line...
Tasty - Pasty ( Not what you think. It's a small meat pie )
GR neighbor's have gotten a court injunction against him. Seems his loud purring was keeping them awake at night.
That old Torino deserves a restoration to it's former glory EB.
I'll take over here for the time being.
Sugar, why are you in MY spot? This is mine! All mine!
Dang double post, but it proves my point!
Sugar, why are you in MY spot? This is mine! All mine!
Have an intelligent conversation with Entangled_Fate ( a.k.a. Bubbles3406 )?
I have had some on several occasions.
Always enjoyable.