If the Dreamcatcher gives me all my hopes and dreams then your in front of me and I am at the end of the line
Take your toys and go play for I am here at the end of the line.
No its mine, mine I say. I am at the end of the line.
Not so fast for I am back to the end of the line
Not so fast the back of the line is mine, all mine.
not so fast I am still here
not for me but it is for you AriesDragon I will wait here for you
Larry you are getting old and need your hearing checked Roland wasn't calling me he was calling you
Larry you are getting old and need your hearing checked Roland wasn't calling me he was calling you
Larry give Roland a break while I wait here for the both of you.
Hi there everyone. I am Liz and am married to Roland and just wanted to introduce myself. There will be times when I may write some stories, read the stories that Roland has told me that I would enjoy reading and playing the games, since he says I spend too much time on my phone.