Working on a couple of projects, one of them is an online portfolio for hire.
My assignment for Human Biology.
want to finish my trilogy!
I tend to write in first person narration the majority of the time. I have a story I'm working on that's in third person narration to get out of my own head, so to speak. The eBook I'm working on is in first person, based on a series of private messages I received form an individual. We'll see how the story is received when I post it.
I'm sure the kids didn't want to cannibalize Grandpa.
I've been writing since I was a kid. It was a talent I discovered through a writing exercise in the fourth grade. Today, creative writing is a hobby I delve into while I work on my degree in communications.
my grades just came in. I am one happy camper!
I don't have a "thing" per se, I do have a certain time of day I like to write, especially when I have alcohol near.