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Over 90 days ago



Mirror Mirror on the wall, oh please, oh please can I have it all? A white wedding dress, a large picket fence, two carat wedding bling, or a trip to Beijing? Ha-ha, no way, try again, thanks for playing... Mirror Mirror on the wall, oh please, oh please can I have it all? The man of my dreams, who's loyal not mean, to give me the life I always have dreamed Ha-ha, no way, try again, thanks for playing... Mirror Mirror on...

I always believed in fairy tales. If growing up the child of a Disney generation taught me one thing, it was that my prince would eventually come. After many years of disappointment, failed attempts, hiding behind closed doors, physical, mental, and emotional abuse, I never thought my prince would come until I met you. Against my better judgment I fell into your kind words, thoughtfulness, and persistence. You didn't show...