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Over 90 days ago
United Kingdom


Hi, I'm Jason Endfield and I was born in Liverpool, England, in 1965.
My first foray into writing was at the age of about five when my first 'book' was politely declined by a publishing house who nevertheless offered words of encouragement. At fifteen I joined the staff of a local newspaper as a reporter, an experience that provided me with an excellent introduction into the world of journalism and from there I began to write regularly for various publications, becoming feature writer on a national UK magazine.
After a few years in the writing wilderness, a handful of my short stories have been published as a collection for an e-book available through Amazon worldwide and this has inspired me to start writing again. I'm working on a further collection of stories for publication.
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Which is the real world....?

Sometimes, as the sages taught us, it is the very darkest of nights that bring the most illuminating truths. So it was when Piotr found himself suddenly on a cliff-top in the middle of a dream one night; well that is how it seemed. Let me try to explain. Piotr had gone to bed, as usual, that evening at around 11 pm. He had switched off the light in his small living room, wandered to the kitchen to draw a glass of water an...


At the threshold of life and death

Aaron knew that it was only a matter of hours now. He couldn't open his eyes as he had the previous day. Then he had seen his family gathered at the foot of the bed. Odd, he had thought, how they appeared ghostly, slightly detached from the limbo in which he now found himself. Yet he was not frightened. Limbo, it turned out, was a peaceful world, away from the turmoil of life; there was space to think and to prepare.He kn...

The Tale of Finkel

A tale of destiny and life's journey.

Chaim Finkel - just Finkel to those few who knew him - was a thoughtful man. He pondered life's mysteries while he went about his everyday business. He was around middle aged, tall and with pronounced, and not very flattering, features. His black hair was good and thick though here and there a little grey. Each day, as he walked to work along the banks of the Vistula River, he would throw bread to the ducks and swans and...