Go back to sleep it is only 3 AM.
Jive Talkin in my head right now.
You are slowing down. It must be all that cold weather. I am behind you now!
Congratulations to all the winners. Thank you who submitted some excellent challenges.
A marvelous author and dear friend. Always ready to chat about writing and share ideas. A very good collaborator writing a series which is waiting in the wings.
You are next to last now.
Today I feel wonderful because my family and I connected again. It has been a long time coming.
Get out of my way I am back here get lost you interloper.
Well you will differ because I just stepped up behind you so take a seat my friend.
cordoga a piece of cord used in Yoga
Today my yoga class learned how to use a cordoga.
Right now I am in a weird place. I am not happy nor am I sad, sorta neutral. So I need to get out of this place.
I really need a poke and a smile.
I have spellcheck on with autocorrect. I rarely make a spelling error. As I write there is a strange feeling I get when I spell wrong or use the wrong grammar. My training as a computer programmer and analyst forces a discipline that helps in writing. Most times I finish a story and it is ready to post. A very bad habit.
Good Morning my love. Thank you for a lovely evening and a wonderful night.
I wish I was never alone.
Frinkle is a french krinkle
I like my frinkles with extra cheese and garlic.