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3 weeks ago
United States


Active Ink Slinger
The swirling humming sound of my fan. and my own thoughts mixing in my head
Active Ink Slinger
Today I feel accomplished because I got information and made one more person understand.
Active Ink Slinger
"Don't take anyones **** and never let them take you alive" - Gerard Way
Active Ink Slinger
Today I feel like crap because my now ex boyfriend is being a BLLLEEEPP
Active Ink Slinger
Today I feel unknown because I don't know what the future brings with my friend and nobody misses me on another site that are my friends.
Active Ink Slinger

Infinitiny - a trickery word which you tell your lover so they think you love them to infinity but really its only a little bit. Usually used when your mad at your lover.

"I love you to Infinitiny."

Next word: Collinginistic
Active Ink Slinger
She swayed back and forth in her dance. Sexy in her movements and seducing the men around her. She smirked as she saw a man staring at her with a want to just join her in her dance. She tried to slowly sway over to him to give him more of a look as she tripped over her own feet. Fell right down on her face as the man started to laugh. As he laughed at her he got up to help her by grabbing on to her shoulder and pulls up so that she had something to get up with. She brushed herself off as he brushed the hair out of her face and smiled. Her face was beet red and as she looked into his face she knew that he was the one she was looking for all along. He asked her out slowly and the words just flowing out.
Active Ink Slinger
The time I got my cat I still have now. I wanted a cat and I wanted it a certain way. Boy did I get the cat of my dreams =]
Active Ink Slinger
I'm hoping this week I get a call for a job. It'd be a great thing and my parents would be happy.
Active Ink Slinger
Now that I'm dumped I can flirt but I don't flirt to much =] kinda is a good thing =]]
Active Ink Slinger
Today I feel like crap because I just got dumped by a ... BLEEEPPPP lol. ....
Active Ink Slinger
When my brothers best friend died, always comes to mind. He was that, he was my brother and it touched my life so much. When he died I saw my other brother cry and... that really got to me. Life is hard and you never know who you're going to lose...
Active Ink Slinger
Well today I was hoping to go to a movie with my friends but that seems to have crapped on me. I'll just go by myself then. I'm use to it.
Active Ink Slinger
Life is hard and if you let it take you down your only letting the monster win. I can only hope if the monster wins that he'll have mercy on me. Doubt it.
Active Ink Slinger
Koolaid, watered down because I hate the strong taste and it has so much sugar in it.
Active Ink Slinger
Today I feel is a start to a new world because I have appointments to go see someone for my well-being.
Active Ink Slinger
This is a great idea and this should have been done way before =p I'm glad I can post things I actually wrote that are G rated!!! yay!!!!!! =D