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Over 90 days ago
United States


I am married with 3 beautiful children. I moved to Virginia 3 years ago and loving it very much. I was born and raised in Michigan and always knew I would leave. I am also a writer and have a couple of stories and poems published. I have four books published. My first book, Hell's Grim Tyrant, it is a horror-occult novel about the elements. The second, Daily Emotions is a poetry book. The third is a children's book with short stories about children detectives called The Adventures of Sam and Erika. My fourth book is called, The Sacred Dagger, and it is a continuation of Hell's Grim Tyrant. I am now working on my new book called, The Chosen Child.

My children, writing, hiking, camping

Favorite Books
The Stand and The Harry Potter Series

Favorite Authors
Stephen King

Favorite Movies

Favorite Music
Progressive Metal, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock and the 80's
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The Virginia Witch

A psychic must use her abilities to help capture a serial killer.

Being a writer has its perks, like helping the police to solve a murder. It is not a good thing when you are a writer with an ability to talk to ghosts. From what Jenna heard, from a spirit no less, that it was her destiny to help the Tazewell County Sheriff with their case. It was an unusually hot day in October, even for Virginia standards. Jenna sat on the porch swing, enjoying her husband, Troy’s day off. Their childr...

Misty was a writer; and she wrote horror. She was an expert on the subject, even though Misty never wrote a ghost story, surprisingly. One day she decided to write one, but could not think of anything to write about. Misty decided to write about one of the ghosts that she personally had seen. She was going to write about Suntree Apartments, but Misty needed a little background on the area. She went to the library to find...

The Old Plantation

Two teenagers try to find lost treasure using an old treasure map

The big house on the hill sat empty, it had been that way since the civil war. We live in Virginia; my stepfather’s family owns many acres of land. Our little house sits in the holler, and I mean tiny compared to the mansion that sits in view of our front porch; we own both houses. I asked Troy, my stepfather, why we live in this small house when we could live in the huge one overlooking the holler. He said it was dangero...
