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Still On My Mind

A chronic pain.

Acquiesced through silent passion An honest heart’s embrace Stoking the embers lying ashen A shadow too strong to face Regardless of a flame so strong Fickle time does not remain Condemning these feelings to prolong I find myself enchained Blessed indifference may lie ahead And darkness approaches near But I stay to sleep in that bed For those embers I so endear

'A Canticle for Leibowitz' - Analysis

We are tethered to the past.

Prompt: How does the character(s) relationship to the past contribute to the work as a whole? ********************************* Woven rhythmically in a perpetual dance, life begins with a single thread and ends with a web, no one bearing likeness to another—yet in man it is also a serpent that sheds and is reborn. Unlike the web, the serpent is always there, feeding on the darkness in men’s hearts, and whispering in his e...

Autumn Bliss

A simple pleasure.

The car slowed to a halt, and with a lumbering movement, I glanced up, weary and confused. I was young and could not fend sleep during the trip. Walking with my family amidst the autumn foliage, my attention became fixed on crushing the gnarled leaves sprawled about the ground. Eager for fresh prey, I looked up, finding instead, a trove of ornate buildings to capture my fleeting attention, and a friendly welcome as I was...

On the Edge of Iniquity

The grey area of pride.

Staring into to the murky depths of the sea, one can either catch a glimpse of their soul or be lost in their own narcissism. It is within this aqueous body where man makes part of the journey of life—to find their identity and become an eddy amidst the mainstream. But this ocean of pride is subject to spontaneous changes of composure, yielding different fates for pilgrims: either providing them with a satisfying happines...

No Sweat

A beautifully mundane moment.

An artificial stillness crept into the air around me, as sets of eyes waited for what was to come. My terror, growing from each stare, fastened its grip, constricting my breath until it was unbearable . I can’t handle playing for my family let alone a crowd. I needed to escape this asphyxiation; find somewhere, no, anywhere to go. Should I stop and just leave? But pride tethered me firmly to that warm sand, and there I sa...

The Little Things

Happiness is hidden within the little things.

Beams of light reflected off the icy surface into my weary eyes as I took my first steps into the cold. Save for the rows of barren trees, the development had become a veritable tundra. The morning sun was still young and had greeted me, suddenly and energetically, like a child eager to show its world to an exhausted parent. I ventured forth, into the all-encompassing gray that had come with the winter season, along the v...

To Be Like the Koalas

An abstract piece of something.

Each second in passing my mind conveys A shroud of shadows, a dreary haze To spry minds a distinction so stark A harbinger of an inevitable dark Though murkiness approaches, ever so near My vantage remains, abiding and clear Primordial clouds configuring from naught Contour into storms of renegade thought This ubiquitous flurry envelopes me so Chiding the worries calling below Hushed by lullaby, content at ease Unable to...