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Over 90 days ago
United States


I think this song is wierdly beautiful.

"Pick a song and sing a yellow nectarine
take a bath, I'll drink the water that you leave
if you should die before me, ask if you could bring a friend
pick a flower, hold your breath and drift away... "
Blind date on Friday, hopefully get some painting done on Saturday, and I'd love to do nothing at all on Sunday, but that probably won't happen.
ooh that's a good one, Lisa.

I saw this one and loved it.

Quote by amador
Mmm, Google.....

Big brother is watching you....

I'm good with that- at least I give him a good show.ngEiKmaa9YcZP0T1

Imagine all the living arrangments, all the drama, all the rivalries, all the love, all the sex, all the fighting, the births, the deaths, the redemption, the guilt. Imagine how many great stories exist in this high-rise apartment building?
I agree with Rachel- it makes it so much richer when a location is painted carefully into a story. Without that, I damn near picture it taking place on a stage set. It needs to be 'somewhere' to come to life.
I really enjoy it. I just like being proud enough of something I did to make it public. If others don't like it, that's almost beside the point. If it's out there, it means I'm proud of it.
I've not been that active as a reader, so I don't have that many to choose from. But, I just finished two books by Kazuo Ishiguro: "Never Let Me Go" and "When We Were Orphans". Both are amazing, not what I expected, and have me still thinking of them, and both got me to thinking about writing a little differently.
Quote by gypsymoth

I wrote one story that is posted in four chapters, and there is a drop off in the number of readers towards the last one. I just figure it reflects the number of people who actually would have read it through to the end, if I'd posted it as a whole.

That's a great point. A lot of us have some stories that are longer, and if you look at the views vs. votes, it's sometimes 100 or 200 to 1. I think a lot of those are people who get halfway through and then get distracted.

I just started a multi-chapter story, and at least right now, it feels freeing.
I only write one draft, but it takes me a long time to finish it. Then, like Lisa, I go through and try to find my mistakes. This also takes a long time, and even then I don't catch everything. My own editing would go quicker if I knew more of the actual rules of punctuation. Hopefully, I'll get better at it by hanging around websites like this one.
When I finally awoke, my eyes opened to see the forest passing at a blur. I was in the car, warm and secure, and I knew I was being taken away in the nick of time. I turned and looked at Lola, serenely and happily driving; she hadn't noticed me stirring yet, or so I thought. Just then, she told me it was my life, but she'd love to be the one that helped me grab onto it again. Her voice was steady but gentle, barely rising above the sounds of the heater and the road underneath us. I turned again to gaze out the side window. The snow had been on the ground for three months, and would soon thaw, exposing the constant flaws yet again, for another long season. I nearly smiled, then fell asleep again, this time in a far better place.
I hope to get some painting done this weekend- I haven't touched anything in a week, but I think I might be in a good mental place to work on it again.
This is just a fun one that hopefully will work the creative muscles, too. Make up a short scene- longer than a sentence, but no more than a paragraph- about the person above you.

Since I'm first, I'll choose: Chuck, since his story was the last one I read.

Chuck parked his car a half-block away, and watched. The sun was high in the cloudless sky when he got there, but now, he was shrouded in darkness. The orange glare of a nearby streetlight providing the only illumination, but also would make it hard to go unnoticed on foot if he had to. He'd been here, on assignment, for nearly three weeks. Always a different car, sometimes even with different disguises, but always for the same purpose. At some point, something would happen, and when it did, the hundreds of hours of boredom would give way to a few moments of sheer panic.
This site was advertised on this other great website that I was at earlier today. ;)