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Over 90 days ago


The one thing I love about the Horror/Spooky genre is the heightened creativity behind the tale(s), and this comp did not disappoint. So many wildly imaginative ways these talented authors were able to raise the hairs on my arms. I am just now getting back to a regular sleep pattern. Although I still have yet to drink a bottled water, I wont ever go back to a Chuck-E-Cheese, and I've found myself staring at random cats trying to detect behavioral traits of friends I haven't seen in a few weeks!

Huge congrats to the winners, Ping, Violet, and WriterGirl for finding a way to stand out among a really well-written batch of stories.

I'm already looking forward to the next prompt!

Quote by gillianleeza

We got our boat running again and took it out Saturday. Unfortunately, we couldn't go in the water because the bay and river are full of stinging jellyfish. I have an awful reaction to their stings. They used to show up much later in the season and not out in the middle of the bay. Now they arrive early and are everywhere. Of course, the water temps are higher each summer. Last summer it was ninety degrees in the bay. That's not exactly a temperature for a refreshing dip.

I wouldn't want to go swimming with jellies (especially the stinging ones), but there is an aquarium near me in La Jolla that has an exhibit of moon jellies. It is my favorite exhibit to sit and stare at like a crazy woman lost in her own world.

Hi, Gypsy! Thanks for that info on the Blue Moon. I should check and see if there is an Angel's game on the 23rd!

Just enjoying my day off today. I started a new story but got about 500 words in and lost my train of thought. Hate when that happens.
I'm not much of a baseball fan. The company my mom works for has season tix to the Angels. So, once in a blue moon, we will use them. What is a blue moon, anyway? I've heard of a blood moon or harvest moon, but never can recall seeing a blue moon. Maybe I should amend my statement...So, once in a blood moon, we will use them.

Speaking of spooky...(that's a reference to the blood moon)...I have submitted a little micro-horror. It's called: The Shadow in the House. Such an original title!

I hope everyone is having a stellar day. Love all the entries into the lead-in prompt challenge. So many creative minds in the mix here.

pours some coffee and steals one of Verbal's cookies
Quote by WriterGirl
I posted my little micro

Thanks, Tams, that was a fun challenge!

Thank YOU for contributing. Your story really spoke to me. A true depiction of what it means to think creatively. I kept seeing 'normal' as a disguise, a way to throw people off. Your story showed it as a coming out, a feeling of acceptance and belonging. I loved it. =d>
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by Tams

You have until the end of next week! Better?

Hm. Might just take that as a challenge itself but I may be headed for my family cottage next week and have no idea of the state of the Internet up there. And mine is going to be at least flash length, maybe longer, I think. Kind of know where it is going but haven't had time to do much work yet.

Yay... I am excited to read it (when it's done, of course). Take your time. I was just teasing Violet who seems to work better when faced with a timeline. smile The cottage sounds like it will be fun. Was that the setting for your Lady in the Lake story? That was bone-chilling!
Quote by verbal

No rules! No structure! Smash the state! Free the words!

Don't make me get the hose!

Morning all!

Loving all the stories being thought up by this creative group of Inspirators. For anyone unfamiliar, I offered a challenge which can be found here:

Sorry to hear you have some loudmouths next door, Larry. Hopefully, the next next group are studying to be French mimes.

Ax throwing sounds fun, Ping. Im glad you didnt liken it to: "How far can we throw our significant other?" Although I suppose that would be battle-axe throwing? Either way, I'd lose. My girlfriend is a twig, but my spindly arms get sore when I have to shift around the boxes of paper cups in the supply closet.

Stay safe, Scott. Twisters scare me.

I'll take a coffee if there is any left...
Quote by Violet_the_Verbose
I both love and hate that there's no deadline. As I always say, I'll get to it... eventually.

You have until the end of next week! Better?
Quote by rolandlytle
Hi my friends.

So, so sorry to hear of your loss, Roland. It's small consolation but please know that your friends here will be thinking of you and your family. Hugs

I'm already sipping on some coffee (no offense, Larry) so I'll just grab a cookie for dunks.

I put my story in for the Inspirators challenge. Now I am off to read Ping-a-ling's. I'm a little nervous after seeing his tag.

Hope everyone has an amazing day!
Quote by LucaByDay

Yeah, much lighter over here. I can actually see what I'm doing.

Hey there, Luca. Welcome. Nice to see more friendly faces over here.
Quote by verbal

Tams is having Ping's and my secret love child!? What a selfless gesture! A product of the combined gene pool of Ping and Verbs: what could possibly go wrong?

PinglyVerbs. Perbal! Ving!

There's no way the world could ever adequately prepare itself for that child.

steals a cookie and scampers off
Thanks for the coffee set up, Larry.

Despite my botching of the english language (and yes, I agree there are far too many confusing words), Mrs Rambles has kicked off the first-line story challenge with a wonderful piece. Which can be found here:

I'm fighting some sort of cold. I'm fully vaxed but went to the walk-in clinic over the weekend, just to be safe. Tests came back negative for covid and the delta variant, so I guess there are still other viruses out there all vying for our attention. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have minded giving it to them. But now I can't help but wonder if every time I get sick, I will feel the need to get tested. Ugh...

Hope you all are having a wonderful start to the week!
Quote by Verity

Keep writing, keep learning, and have fun doing both. Thank you. All sorted now. I get confused easily. I thought the opening line had to be reproduced exactly as stated. Anyway, Molly has now put it back as it was. It's just me being stupid.

Leave it to me to take something simple and complicate it with my spelling prowess. I believe Molly is correct. I think technically it is 'jeans' and there are different classifications of them, i.e., blue, black, white, green, etc.

Either way, it seems like it is minor and sorted. Loved your micro! Way to kick this off!

I have an idea for a story prompt challenge for whoever would like to enter.

So many fantastic stories start with killer first lines; Call me Ishmael...or...Mother died today, or maybe yesterday; I can't be sure.

I will throw down an opening line and then you can take the story in any direction you'd like. Not saying my opening line will be killer, but it seems like it will be fun to see where each person takes it.

Here is what I have come up with for rules:

- I will give a first-line prompt, every story must have that line as the open.
- From there you are free to take it where ever you'd like and in whatever category and length you choose.
- Please make sure to follow storiespace guidelines for acceptable content.
- Please include Inspirators as a tag. Make sure it is spelled exactly that way so when we click on the tag, it will isolate all of our stories on one page.
- This is just a challenge and all for fun, no prizes or awards will be given out.
- There is no time limit for entries.

Here is your first-line prompt...have fun with it!

"To everyone in the room, she seemed like just a normal girl wearing Vans, bluejeans, and a red hoodie."

I really like your idea Verbs, but I am (among other things) extremely tech-challenged. I want to avoid creating more work for the mods by having to help insert pics into the body of the story.

I also like Ping's suggestion. My fear (pun intended) is that Halloween is right around the corner and I wouldn't want to step on the toes of a possible future comp. I do like the thought of keeping the stories light and fun.

My idea is that I will throw down an opening line. So many fantastic stories start with killer first lines; Call me Ishmael...or...Mother died today, or maybe yesterday; I can't be sure. Not saying mine is killer, but it seems like it will be fun to see where each person takes the line.

Here is what I have come up with for rules:

- I will give a first-line prompt, every story must have that line as the open.
- From there you are free to take it where ever you'd like and in whatever category and length you choose.
- Please make sure to follow storiespace guidelines for acceptable content.
- Please include Inspirators as a tag. Make sure it is spelled exactly that way so when we click on the tag, it will isolate all of our stories on one page.
- This is just a challenge and all for fun, no prizes or awards will be given out.
- There is no time limit for entries.

Here is your first-line prompt...have fun with it!

"To everyone in the room, she seemed like just a normal girl wearing Vans, bluejeans, and a red hoodie."

Morning All!

drums fingers on counter waiting for the coffee to finish brewing...decides to sneak a GF cookie for the wait

I'm having post-comp blues. The energy and buzz when those comps are active make it so much fun. Plus for some reason, my brain gets more active when there is a prompt to work off of. What if we did a friendly Inspirators story challenge thingy? Anyone have ideas for a prompt?

I tend to gravitate toward these categories(but I'm certainly open to anything):

- Thriller
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Romance

Just a thought...hope everyone is having a great day...and look at that, the coffee's done percolating.
Wow... So many talented writers and so many excellent stories! I'm honored to be sharing the podium with Verbal and Thespian. Everyone who entered deserves a round of applause.

Thank you to everyone who read my story and especially those who scored and left a comment.

If I know Verbal, he's already blown his winnings on Godzilla posters for the ceiling above his bed.o9w9oPcOUOQHQyH4 So, a round of sarsaparillas on me!

Seems my yawn post was just as contagious as the yawn itself. Tried your trick on my dog last night, Verbs. She just stared back at me with a look that said, "I think you need to go to bed now and on your way, could you snag me a bacon treat?"

Interesting info, Mrs Rambles. Your post reminded me of the puke scene from Stand By Me... barf-o-rama.

On that note, I'll take a coffee to go, please. I'd take a cookie too, but I recently switched my diet over to gluten-free for health reasons. Seems to be working so I don't wanna risk it.

Morning, fellow storiespacers...

Did you all know that yawns are contagious? It's true. Next time you are in a crowd, let out an unsuspecting yawn and see how many around you follow suit. NOTE: I've yawned three times while writing this!

What's the antidote? Thank you for asking! It happens to be some of Rump's fine brew. I'll take a cup, if you don't mind, kind sir.

Happy Thursday everyone...hold strong, the weekend's within reach!
Can every entry get an award? They all deserve one...

Mine is almost done...and by "almost" I mean I have a plot.
Wow! What a way to wake up in the morning.

This competition was so much fun, not only from the standpoint of trying to write stories for varying word limits but also reading all the creativity that it spurred. I honestly do not know how the judge's panel was able to narrow it down to choose the podium. In my opinion, all the entries were winners.

A quick thank you to everyone who read my stories. I'm looking forward to contributing more here in the near future.

Congratulations to all who entered, your minds are amazing and inspiring.

I could not handle the responsibilities of time travel... i will take it as it comes.

WYR: Campout in the middle of nowhere under a sea of stars OR Spend a night pampered (all expenses paid) in a 5-star hotel.
Scrooge Mc Duck. I've always wanted dive in his silo of gold coins, although I suppose that might actually hurt. ugh, I overthink everything.

When carving a pumpkin: Scary/mean face OR happy/goofy face
Taking a lunch break at work, so I thought I would poke my head in here.

I'm so excited for this upcoming comp! I have a couple written for the shorter word counts and I'm working on a piece for one of the bigger word counts. Inspiration comes one day and is gone the next. But, I'm hopeful that i can get it done in time. Cant wait to read what everyone else comes up with too!

Latte's all around, on me!
Packed, but only if I get a good seat. I feed off the crowd's energy and it makes for a better movie experience (sometimes).

Better date movie genre: Horror or RomCom
More time. (and a covid vaccine so I could use that time to travel)

WYR: Travel somewhere historic OR Travel somewhere beachy and tropical?