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Could February get any worse?

Inspired by my own true story...

Yesterday was Friday 13th February. Friday the 13th; the most unlucky day. Sally Smith tried not to believe in such superstitions. Her naivety ended with a trip to the Neurologist. The numbness couldn’t be explained away or ignored any more. It had, slowly and convincingly, travelled up her body for the last few weeks. Firstly, she couldn’t feel her feet, then her legs were weak; she managed to stick pins in them without...

Meg’s Story (Working title) – first part of Chapter 1 1930 “You little scamp!” I actually yelled out loud at him (if we were at home, I’d have been in trouble for that). I had to think and think fast. The river was usually like home to us but of course I knew what lurked beneath the smoky emerald: the reed-beds. The murky, murderous reed-beds that had claimed many prizes in my life-time but for some reason we never saw th...

It will be a warm day in Hell...

One woman's tale of a warm day in Hell...

It will be a warm day in Hell... It was the largest meeting in Hell (Michigan) that I could remember. The Town Hall had been taken over by TV crews from all over, for their annual conference. They had been snowed-in for the last three days. Yes, they were supposed to leave last Sunday but here we are on Wednesday and they are still here. I say this through gritted teeth...I mean, they are welcome – any extra business to t...


A story of desperation like no other...

She walked the streets, not knowing where to go or what to do. Whimpering and still warm, her newborn baby lay where she had left him. She hoped the owner of the tatty launderette would find him when she came to lock up, if no one had found him before. Flickering like a broken slot machine, the fluorescent lights of the launderette provided not enough light for day and too much for night. The baby snuffled in time with ea...