A memory wrapped in Black Velvet....
Some days are just not worth getting out of bed for. Just want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over my head......
I used to read a lot. I learned how to read at 5, by the time I was 10 I was reading novels, not kids books, classics mostly. I've always loved reading, so yes, I do read quite a lot. I don't read as a writing resource though, mostly just for the love of the written word. I read about things I would probably never write about, but in some ways it does inspire me and it influences my writing style in subtle ways.
I have to admit though, that I haven't done much reading over the last year, most of what I've read are online stories and e-zine stories.
Yes, ask her. I will see what I can find in my old teaching logs. Such a shame I lost all of the stories I wrote as teaching aids when my old pc crashed. If I can't find any, I might write some new ones for her. It's been a while since I've written for kids though.
And yes, that is very flattering indeed. I am sure that your poems inspire quite a few people, I know that they've inspired me.