Quote by WriterGirl
Quote by Violet_the_Verbose
Hi Kimmi, I'm here and getting to the end game now. Will probably get it in Friday night lol.
I will be impatiently waiting for your entry. 😊
I know what would help. Next comp we'll have Admin give you a close date a week before the actual comp close date. 🤣
When I was at college, one tutor used to set us a deadline then, the day before the hand-in would give everyone a weeks extension. Used to be great for refining the project until the one time he didn’t give the extension. That’s when I found I could go 48 hours without sleep lol
Afternoon everyone. Thanks for the info on the cookie jars Sarah. Gonna have to dip my hand into the Cookie Monster jar and take one and a good strong cup of coffee over to a seat by the fire. It’s cold and windy here. Two storms in three days ain’t good for a girl.
I’ve heard of at least three people still working on their comp stories so I’m expecting a late flurry of entries.
Hope things go well for you, Mendella and you’re not laid up for too long.
Thanks for the plug, Mendalla. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Sorry it’s taken me so long to join and write something I’ve been skulking around reading for a while.
Me, I’d love a cup of coffee as I stare out the window and contemplate going into the garden to tidy up after the trail of devastation the wind left last night.