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Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by bikebum1975
The guy next door on his lawn mower LOL

That made me LOL thanks Jim smile
Advanced Wordsmith
"The Sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind. First book of the Sword of Truth series.
Advanced Wordsmith
Reading is a wonderful escape for me I love to lose myself in a good book and be somebody other then who I am
Advanced Wordsmith
"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." Henry David Thoreau
Advanced Wordsmith
Awesome site, I am going to share this with my oldest whose 21 she will love this, thank you for doing it smile
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Lisa
How long does it normally take you to write a short story? Would the length of time be measured in hours, days or months?

How many drafts do you generally write?

It usually takes me a month or so to finish a story. I'm very nitpicky with editing and keep finding little errors here and there. I can't let my stories go until I've found as many as possible!

I am the exact same way. Mine average a month or so
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by bikebum1975
Quote by sassy
I want a cookie and I can't have them!!! ARH!!!

You always want a cookie LOL

You probably took it, I hear you like to do that