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Happy Mother's Day, Mom

Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.

Since you died, this is the second Mother's Day that has come around.Since March of 2013, peace and tranquility aren't things that I've found.You were one of the greatest mothers who ever lived.You constantly thought of others, you always loved to give.People have always loved you because you were so kind.If people couldn't see how good you were, they were blind.I still feel lost even though you've been dead for over a ye...

First class ticket to Heaven

Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.

Mom got a First class ticket to Heaven, that's for sure.Everybody who knew my mom, absolutely adored her.She always helped others or she would bust her butt trying.It was so sad when her doctor said that she was dying.Now she's in Heaven and she has eternal happiness.Having her for my mother truly made me blessed.She decided to return to her hometown of Sneedville in 2011.When she passed away, she got a First class ticket...

365 days of Hell

Dedicated to Agnes Johnson who died one year ago today at the age of sixty-four.

Things haven't been going well since Mom died one year ago today.A big part of me died with her when she passed away.For the last 365 days, I've been going through Hell.Everybody who knows me, knows that things aren't going well.One day before Mom's death, there were two things that I decided to give her.A stuffed Easter bunny and a card and they were buried with her.Life hasn't been easy because I've been to Hell and bac...