Dark chocolate or white chocolate?
Frog has a lot of good looking stories, I'll have to read soon!
I'll give Snoop his own, so he doesn't have to share.
I'll give Dave a trip around the world!
For it to finally be Friday.
Though I don't know Dave, he seems really nice. He has a lot of stories, ones I'll have to check out.
I know what you think it means, sonny. To me it's just a made up word. A politician's word, so young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie, and have a job. What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did?
The Saw has a great theme song.
What's your favorite song from when you were a kid?
I really need it to be tomorrow.
Taking the end of the line now. :3
Today I feel hurt because I have all week.
In the dark in my head - Dev
My toaster is black, and silver. It looks nice, and matches the rest of my other stuff.
I like my toast well cooked, with a great crunch. Some days its with a bit of butter, and some cinnamon. Other days its nice with apple butter! Yum on both accounts. :3
I blame Circle_Something.