Just finished, The Man in High Castle. Season Four, its final, was turbulent and emotional. Although the series was not tidily wrapped up with a big red full-understanding bow, leaving many interpretations for the future, it’s undoubtedly a series that will remain with me for a very long time. The father-son relationship rocked me the most. If you’ve seen this, you’ll know what I mean. It’s not a show, or book, for everyone, but if you enjoy stories about WWII, alternative realities, resistance movements, the multiverse and parallel universes, and the complexities of human survival, it may be a series for you.
After several seasons, I toasted Billions. The writers have messed up and sadly, the brilliant cast is paying for it. I don’t expect the series to last much longer after this season. 🤢
Still can’t get into Peaky Blinders. Will try a little harder. There are regional, historical backstories that I’m not privy to that I think would help. I’ll give it another go.
I also abandoned, Sex Education. It lost its mojo. The kids are great. The adult roles and involvement should have been minimized.
Killing Eve is restarting in a week or so. High hopes for it, but I fear the worst. Where do they go without being cliché?
Anyone watch Rick & Morty or Bob’s Burgers? My son wants us to watch them, but I’m hesitant. R & M is pretty crude, but it’s a teenager boy’s funny. The writing is witty. I know nothing about Bob’s Burgers, so no expectations might be a good thing.
Bring on Better Call Saul. Huge desire for that one.
Same with Family of Dragons or whatever the GoT spin-off is called. If Sir George gives it the thumbs up, it must be close to his vision versus that of the two showrunners that butchered the last two seasons of GoT. In fairness, they probably tried to overcome a deficit position. Anyone else think that that fiasco has more to do with R.R. not giving them the material they needed to properly finish the series? I think, after George passes, the knives will come out and place all the blame at the foot of his coffin.
Lastly, a new hobbitish series is coming to town. Has wonderful promise. Looks good.