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4 hours ago


Although not on the list, I’ve always enjoyed competition themes where writers interpret a supplied picture. It’s intriguing to see how differently people are inspired by the same image. In addition, if the picture portrays, for example, a crime scene or historical image or something, that can help focus the theme of the competition.

Geez, SS is in need of a bigger podium. Some really good stories this competition. Nice variety. Some written like poetry. Tough to pick that top three.

Congrats Expressomarkie. Heck of an entry.

Thank Molly for organizing another smashing competition.

Until next time… 🥂

Nicely Done, Big V! 🥳

Congrats to all. 🥂

Thanks Molly! 👍

Quote by verbal

And Ping, I feel you lurking as I write this, you Magnificent Bastard.

👁️ 🕰️ 🐑


The comments for the new competition story aren’t shown anymore and can’t be accessed. Is this already being addressed?

The story is actually only shown as a draft via Molly’s link above. It isn’t shown on the front page either.


Quote by redwriter

Here's is a horror story (true)-I'm not looking for sympathy but I need to seek your understanding for any language errors I'm might make in the came days (weeks)---until my brain beings to function as normal.

Fact is, last Saturday morning after finishing breakfast, I suddenly past out and ended up under the table. Neighbours finally got me on a sofa until ambulance arrived-I knew little of what was going on. My senses slow arrived during the hospital journey. Arriving there, I was placed in a bed and a consultant was there immedately saying, "It seems you've had a stroke!" A stroke? Me?

This was where the horror began. The questions. "Tell me the months of the year?" Easy--"Er, December, hum May" Panic was already rising. "Try days of the week." Again--hesitation, little input. "What about your address?" Now that was simple, "One, Earlington Court" Only that was my previous address. I could not recall the address where I had lived for past thirty years.

So it went on, saying sensless things , mumbling odd words. Despite countless reassurances it was a horrific twenty four hours. Overnight I talked myself into getting months of the year in the right. Even found that a could recite me mobied phone number. Sunday went well on the way to get most things right, and all most slurring add gone. This was due to some medication which dealt with a rogue cell in the brain. Not out of the woods totally but nearer the exit

For any one who begun "THE HIGH AND THE HUMBLE" that us up to Chapter Four ( a really exciting chapter). It had been intention to produce a new chapter at least every other day. Circumstances have informed with that plan. But it was written ready for publication. So I get on with that as I recover I'm mojo

Red, I just finished watching the first season of Ted Lasso. I’m a bit late to the Ted Lasso party. I don’t know if you are familiar with the show. So far, it is worthy of all the praise it has received.

I share this with you because from the show, I saved a quote from a time when the team was down: “Every disadvantage has its own advantage.”

It’s one of those phrases that can be manipulated and/or interpreted for how one needs or wishes. The words are an excellent coaching tool for ‘finding’ motivation for an athlete or team, a student, a child, or anyone that feels that they are at a disadvantage.

Is there something you can take advantage of to aid in your recovery? I don’t know. But maybe you do.

All the best. 🍻

Awesome stuff. Love the competition energy. Congratulations to those that grace the podium. 🍻

Time now to listen to his excuses. Oh Verbs, darling… 🤣🤣🤣 🍻

Thanks to Molly, SS admin, and the judges. These comps are truly appreciated.

I've been away for a bit. Weekend passes had been revoked. The fine print actually does say 'No shivs allowed'. Who knew?

So glad these competitions have become a regular staple here. Much thanks to Molly, my South African friend, the rest of admin, those that participated, and those that judged the competition. Awesome to see creative stuff in a competitive format.

Verbs, you sneaky buggar. You know EXACTLY what I mean. LOL. Congrats. Drinks are on you.

Quote by verbal

Yeah, he goes from Paul to Saul as he throws away his moral code. I am guessing there will be a reference to blindness - they've never been shy about mentioning the Biblical origin of the name.

Such a good show, and such good performances.

Yup. In addition, Killing Eve concluded. My daughter and I really enjoyed the series, more so than many reviewers. The finale was an emotional rollercoaster. We really grew to love the characters.

Started season two of Peaky Blinders but I’ve been to busy to continue. Tom Hardy joined the cast in season two. That in itself will draw me back, but PB is probably fifth on the list.

Apart from Saul’s final season beginning next week, both Russian Doll and The Flight Attendant begin their respective season two’s next week as well. Both had intriguing first seasons with good storytelling and even better acting. Kaley Cuoco was spectacular as actor and producer as the slutty drunken flight attendant. We’ve all known or dated a few of those. Right Verbs? 😉

But the best new series is a updated retro throwback, or something like that. Tokyo Vice. I screamed when I discovered it, like little Verbs screamed when he dropped the toilet seat on his wee wee, while being too inebriated to stand during urination, or as he calls it, Wednesday.

The cinematic genius that he is, Michael Mann (Miami Vice, Crime Story) is the energy behind this excellent deep-dive spin on Japanese culture and it’s organized crime underbelly. It’s not nearly as flashy as the other projects he’s developed. It’s understated in a way Japan views it’s humble and honourable traditions. It’s a slow burn of other world, with the viewer being dropped into a rich, language-barrier and culturally-nuanced land as if one is learning a new language. The setting is the tension.

It’s definitely not a show for everyone. Patience with an understanding nod to some early series hiccups, are necessary. But my favourite Japanese actor, Ken the head Samurai from, The Last Samurai, and the driver from Baby Driver, are the leading actors. Lots of Tokyo tidbits. Viewing episode five now.

Old man winter is MMAing that spring fella’s ass. Snowed again today. This weather is a disturbing force, said Yoda and OB 1. No riding bikes for you, said the soup Nazi. I disagree.

Wow. I’ve been busier than a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest. Love the visual of that old timey saying.

Good to see the cyber police haven’t shut this shack down. Sordid things have transpired within these pixel walls.

F’n winter is still sucking the soul out of my reason for living - my kids, my motorcycles, and yelling at bad drivers. But happiness obstructions are starting to melt.

Wasn’t looking for it, but a couple of jobs dropped in my lap. Took one on for a while. Helping some people who need a warm body with cold hands and a frosty demeanour. Sounds about right. It’s as temporary or as permanent as I want to make it. TBD.

But the better news is that a major news outlet commissioned me to write some stuff. I know, right? Me, FFS. I don’t know if I can finagle a regular writing gig out of this, but anything’s possible. Even if it’s one or two and done, it’s pretty cool.

Both kids got Covid from classmates, FFS. We were so careful. Clearly, some others were not as careful. Fortunately, everyone in this house is double or triple vax’d. They had minor flu-like symptoms that lasted a few days. Returned to regular life five quarantined days later. Still no COVID for me. Phew.

Killing Eve is back. Not as hard hitting as it once was, but I’m so invested in these characters, I hope they wrap up the series well.

Russian Doll returns next month. A few more goodies are coming soon too.

Love what the 1883 star, the best talking moustache in show biz, said about Yellowstone. I’ve been saying it all along - Jellystone is too much like Dallas - too melodramatic. But damn it, I’m hooked and still like it. But I get his point. And he’s infinity more qualified to offer critical comments as such. He is the biz. I’m just a fan.

Anyway, looking forward to the next comp. Will it be spring? Will it be love? Will it be conflict? Will it be some other theme influenced by worldly events? Only the shadows know.

Mochaccino for the road, please.

Quote by Brad_Naylor

Rick & Morty rocks. I watched The Man in the High Castle but think it jumped the shark after the second series. I really enjoyed Fargo up until the last series. Peaky Blinders is about the best thing on the box at the moment IMHO.

R & M rocks? I feared someone would say that. It’s kinda pulling me in.

I felt the series took a turn with the traveller thing, but also found that to be a unique twist. Was there something in particular that occurred in MITHC that caused you to think of Fonzie, a swimming pool, and lemon sharks? Please do tell. Thanks.

And that Peaky Blinders thing. Am I correct thinking I’m missing some regional backstory understanding? When should I expect the hook?

The Mitchell’s and the Machines.

I think that’s what it’s called. I didn’t finish it but I will. I knew nothing about it. So far, very pleasantly surprised. Even more surprised when I found out it was nominated for an Oscar this year.

Just finished, The Man in High Castle. Season Four, its final, was turbulent and emotional. Although the series was not tidily wrapped up with a big red full-understanding bow, leaving many interpretations for the future, it’s undoubtedly a series that will remain with me for a very long time. The father-son relationship rocked me the most. If you’ve seen this, you’ll know what I mean. It’s not a show, or book, for everyone, but if you enjoy stories about WWII, alternative realities, resistance movements, the multiverse and parallel universes, and the complexities of human survival, it may be a series for you.

After several seasons, I toasted Billions. The writers have messed up and sadly, the brilliant cast is paying for it. I don’t expect the series to last much longer after this season. 🤢

Still can’t get into Peaky Blinders. Will try a little harder. There are regional, historical backstories that I’m not privy to that I think would help. I’ll give it another go.

I also abandoned, Sex Education. It lost its mojo. The kids are great. The adult roles and involvement should have been minimized.

Killing Eve is restarting in a week or so. High hopes for it, but I fear the worst. Where do they go without being cliché?

Anyone watch Rick & Morty or Bob’s Burgers? My son wants us to watch them, but I’m hesitant. R & M is pretty crude, but it’s a teenager boy’s funny. The writing is witty. I know nothing about Bob’s Burgers, so no expectations might be a good thing.

Bring on Better Call Saul. Huge desire for that one.

Same with Family of Dragons or whatever the GoT spin-off is called. If Sir George gives it the thumbs up, it must be close to his vision versus that of the two showrunners that butchered the last two seasons of GoT. In fairness, they probably tried to overcome a deficit position. Anyone else think that that fiasco has more to do with R.R. not giving them the material they needed to properly finish the series? I think, after George passes, the knives will come out and place all the blame at the foot of his coffin.

Lastly, a new hobbitish series is coming to town. Has wonderful promise. Looks good.

Quote by Ceebees

I know I’ve only recently joined so maybe this has been discussed before but why do we have gender icons?

It puzzled me at the time and I read this today on another site and it made me decide to ask in here.

“Many female writers have adopted male nom de plumes, or otherwise gender-ambiguous pseudonyms, for a number of reasons: to publish without prejudice in male-dominated circles; to experiment with the freedom of anonymity; or to encourage male readership.”

we all know about P.D. James, J.K. Rowling yada yada yada so why do we so blatantly publicise our gender in here?

I’d like to be read as an author, not a male or female author and the stereotypical pink or blue tags (I do see the odd natty yellow one) just pigeon hole us immediately.

is there some deep dark reason that I didn’t get the memo about when I joined?

Great point. I’ve not thought about it like you have so eloquently expressed here. I suppose there are possibly reasons of curiosity, perspective, and insight for wanting to know an author’s sex or gender in terms of doing a deep dive on better understanding what they have written, but do we need that labeling here? Probably not. Again, great point.

If you do the Spooky comp, I’m in too. My story for this comp got way too dark with murder and suicide, so I decided not to enter it. The Teddy Bear Gets It, might have been too traumatic for anyone with a name starting with K. 😉

Quote by AnnaMayZing

Actually, Ping, what I would really like is for you to shut your mouth. I am quite sick of the crap that constantly flows from it! This is not about me but about all the other members here who have to listen to the constant rot that flows from between your lips. Maybe if you weren't so self-absorbed, you might realise that you are a major part of the problem here!

Unfortunately, being immature is the perfect description of your attitude. Don't apologise to Violet on my behalf, this is not about her but about you.

Obviously, my understanding of your original statement was correct.

Learn to pipe down for once!

And there it is. Your apology is accepted.

You can deal with admin now.


How narcissistic are you two overly sensitive snowflakes? You’re upset that I recognize the winner of the competition but that I didn’t mention you and your non-winning stories? Seriously?

I compliment the writer of a spectacular story, a story that brilliantly uses similes and metaphors, paints an amazingly emotive atmosphere with her meticulously chosen words, and ends in such a wonderful manner that it leaves the reader thinking about and wanting more. That is not just telling a story, but shows that she has written a contest-winning story in a next level manner.

But you two make this about you. Pathetic. Do you want a medal for your attendance too? Should everyone who enters get an award?

Sorry Violet, I hope their immature selfishness doesn’t diminish what you’ve accomplished. I also hope they realize what they’ve done and delete their immature comments, so I in turn can delete this.


A writer's victory for sure. Spectacular story. Uncompromising. Stupendously creative. Absolutely, positively deserving of the top spot.

Congratulations Violet!!!

Introduced the boy to John Wick. I’m surprised how much this series of movies has grown on me.

Also watched Robot Ron or something stupid like that. Bubble Bots. The trappings of social media. Likes. Friends. Peer pressure. Addiction. So very current. Felt too much like a rip off of Big Hero Six, but it was entertaining. As we say in our home, it’s not a true Disney or Disney-wannabe movie unless something or someone dies.

The Ray Donovan series was abruptly cancelled, disallowing the team to properly wrap up the series. Well, Liev et al did so in a wonderful movie last week. It ended almost as I’d hoped and expected. But there was a sneaky little twist that explained so much. Family secrets. We’ve all got them, but not like the Donovan’s.


Still chugging away with The Man in High Castle. Almost done season two. The interconnected parallel universe interaction stuff is a real mindF***. I hope it makes sense by the end. But that high ranking Nazi. What an incredible actor. And his storylines are overly complex and monumental. He handles everything with breathtaking skill. Huge, huge fan here. Actually, there have been some outstanding performances for some unexpected actors. At times, I think I’m more engrossed by their talent.


Ozark and Billions restart this week and next.

Quote by gillianleeza

Watched Season Three of Afterlife with Ricky Gervais. I loved it, I laughed and cried. He wrapped it all up so I don't think there will be another season.

Yup. Binged it too. The critics have flamed the third season. I think 39% on Rotten Tomatoes, but the fans like it. And yes, season three is it’s last, and perfectly so. No need to continue.

This whole third season I kept saying, “Not the dog! Not the dog!” The series finale was somewhat cliche and cheesy, almost stealing from Six Feet Under, but not, and I’d argue close to wrap-up-loose-ends perfect.

Was the traveling county fair a metaphor for life and death? Hmm. The doggie had white whiskers. “Not the dog!”

His handling of the cheque was perfect. But the best part was how he kept beating his brother-in-law.

“Not the dog!”

Quote by Survivor

Since a lot of people don't visit other sites I thought I would let mutual friends here know that Vanessa is doing better now. She has had Covid but she was smart enough to get both vaccines and the booster. It was done just in time to forestall the virus from doing its worst to her. She probably would have let folks here know but during the changeover, her account was deleted for some reason.

Larry, thank you for sharing this. Please tell Mistress V (that should make her chuckle) that I miss her and wish her a speedy recovery.

A shot from the ceremony.

For those that don’t know, Dakar is a forty-year-old race, that moved to Saudi sands three years ago. Started in France to Northern Africa, moved to South America, and now the Middle East. Love the locale for this multi-day race event.

Five categories: bikes, quads, side-by-sides, tres-cool dune buggy-like cars, and massive ten-ton trucks. Talk about big kids toys in a big sand box. Audi introduced an all-electric car this year that unexpectedly performed spectacularly.

Lots of highlights from each day on your friendly neighborhood YouTube.

Quote by verbal

Cold and windy here, and a little snow in the mix. AND Talia is awaiting results from her Covid test, but confirms she lost her sense of smell. AANNDD, I overslept for a full hour, which implies to me I might be coming down with something.

So, that's life here at Casa Kaiju. Other than that, things are fine. I suspect we might spend the three day weekend recovering from bugs. Oh well. Everything's pretty much shut down anyway (I HAVE been trying to get T to go see the new Scream). Seems like everyone is sick.

What's up with Raylan? A new Detroit-based adventure for him? That would rock. Elmore Leonard set a TON of his books in Detroit, before he moved his locale to Florida. I've heard nothing of this, and assume Ping got into a bad batch of Limoncello.

A coffee and a phlegm shaped cookie please. smile

Here ya go ya big weenie. Here’s the link. Yes, it is based on another Leonid Nimoy novel. Think bushy Russian eyebrows and pointy Vulcan ears. But yes. It’s all true man, all true! 🤪 Let’s hope there is a Boyd Crowder connection too. Still no news on who else from the original series is joining little Timmy Elephant.

Sadly, Dakar 2022 is over. Can you imagine riding a motorcycle over the top edge of a sand dune that is thirty stories high? Or busting down a dusty, camel-lined single track at 180 kph?

Them peoples are nuts. If you haven’t seen it, the Dakar logo is one of the coolest.

Speaking of the man with an intimate knowledge of sweaty butt farts, Verbs…

VERBS!!! Can you hear me?

It was announced this morning that Raylan is coming back to a television near us!!!

I’m so giddy. I still have Justified withdrawal. YouTube keeps sending me to Justified vignettes of scenes from the show. Oh man. That showdown with Boone still gets me. I remember my initial reaction. Still feel it too.

Justified will be a limited series. He’s still in Miami but goes to Detroit. IDK. I don’t care where. Just bring him back but don’t kill him off.

Barkeep, a tall drink of water, please. If she has a sexy accent, even better.

Makes me wonder, what is the unsexiest accent. Cockney? Arabic? Newfie?

Quote by verbal

Quote by DenimAngel
the WEBB telescope,rockets, space stations,planets (all them including Pluto), stars and moons

PLUTO IS NOT A PLANET!!! Pluto is a cartoon dog.

“Pluto” is a sweaty butt fart sound.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid me.

My daughter and I were flipping through the channels and landed on, ugh… Botched.

I’m such a disappointment in the parenting department. Botched plastic surgeries made right. Stupid show. We started with a lady that had, are you ready? Are you sitting down? 3000 cc breast implants. That’s three litres of booby filler. Actual ten pin bowling balls.

We watched the surgery of the doc removing the defective implants, her chest healing, and then her new implants and reconstruction. Ugh.

The freaky woman then Skyped her f’n son to show him her new boobs.

Honestly. I’m so disappointed in myself.

Quote by Welshdreamer42

Quote by Ping
Lastly, my son and I really enjoyed, Venom. It was funny and Tom Hardy was wonderful in it.

Tom Hardy is wonderful in everything 😍

Thanks sounding a bit desperate there, including your unintended? innuendo. 🤣🤣🤣

Sorry. I’m a very bad boy.

I wish Tommy McHardly was a few years younger. Now that I’ve seen him in a number of productions, I think he would have/still could be, an AMAZING 007. Certainly better than everyone after Connery and before Craig.