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Over 90 days ago
United Kingdom


A writer of horror and fantasy fiction, where I have achieved a number of successes.

In the mid- to late-90s my short stories and poetry saw publication chiefly on the internet, where they featured in eZines and websites dedicated to the horror and fantasy genres. In 1996 the second New Voices Anthology was released (no longer in print), featuring my short story 'Brother'; and a couple of years later the writer's magazine Foreword featured my poem 'Bewildered by One's Blindness, so Blackened'. In 2005 I had a short story shortlisted internationally in Writers' Forum Magazine.

In 2010 I completed the NaNoWriMo challenge with a 55,000 word novel 'Heroes of Sol'. This proved to be the catalyst that super-charged my creative output for 2011.

Favorite Books
Brian Lumley's Necroscope Series, Clive Barker's Imajica