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1 month ago
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Quote by AnnaMayZing

Thank you, Katarina. Now even more people can read the adventures of your namesake. smile

And it’s spelled the same way as mine! Very often I find women spell it with er rather than ar 🥰🥰

With hubby working three different jobs in multiple states, we have an accountant do our taxes. It saves a lot of stress so it’s well worth the cost.

Asthma’s still causing me trouble, but it’s better than it was.

I published a story here about my mom. Been thinking about her a lot lately. Hard to believe she has been gone 15 years.

Working on a “Libby and Kent” story for the other site as well as another part to the latest Mac and Grace story. The “Nephews” are at the beach for their last day of spring break here. I’m gonna miss them very much. They’ve been so helpful with my disabled brother.

Thought about doing a spring training game with my brother but honestly baseball doesn’t hold his interest. He’d be looking at his watch by about the third inning and I’d be annoyed that we made the trip out there only to leave less than half way through. If I’m honest, I’m more of a basketball/hockey kinda girl anyway. But I root for the Rays and the Tigers anyway.

I’m gonna grab a glass of lemonade iced tea and work on my stories a little bit more. Dinner out tonight. Yay!

PS thanks for the reminder. I need to cut hubby and brother’s hair this weekend.

Completed our morning swim and enjoying some sparkling water and gluten free pretzels by the pool.. The family aged Spring break has begun so my quiet, peaceful days ended yesterday for a while. It’s all good. I still have the best view around. Less wind today and less Red Tide toxins blowing around. I’m grateful for a bit of relief from the excessive coughing that causes. DIL sent me a video of my hubby pulling the baby on a little sled yesterday up north. So adorable! I Hope to spend some time writing as well. It all depends on how the afternoon goes.

I just finished reading all the new stories and need cookies. I’m gonna grab a handful of Rays cookies and some iced tea lemonade. So much emotion from such talented writers.

Time to switch over the laundry and do a breathing treatment. The toxins are really bad today and the pollen count is high. Between those things, I can barely breathe. Looks like I’m staying indoors the rest of the day. Dead fish are starting to turn up on the shore. It seems so unfair for the fish. ☹️🐠

Quote by verbal

I was a huge fan of Ian Hunter back in the day, and so was a huge fan of Cleveland Rocks way before the show. They’re all really good openings. What a creative show. Great cast.

I’ll kick back with Kat for a cup of tea. It’s been a long day, I could use the relaxation.

Thanks for the company.

I always enjoyed Christa Miller on Drew Carey and Scrubs. She’s in a new show with Jason Segel and Harrison Ford called “Shrinking” on Apple TV+. It’s a great show but I’m left wondering every week if she had some kind of plastic surgery because her cheeks and mouth look a little off. Idk and the Internet search was no help. LOL. I ended up going down a rabbit hole on that one.

Need a cuppa tea before bed. The red tide toxins in the air are kicking my ass. I’m sure I’ve used my rescue inhaler more in the past 3 days than I have in all of 2022. ☹️

Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

…wel, part of it is that one of their songs was used as the theme song for Drew’s sitcom for awhile, which is how and why I know about them.

I really liked that song, Five O’Clock World, if I’m not mistaken.

With so many good stories, I am thrilled to have placed 2nd. Congratulations to the winners and top ten! I highly recommend reading all 12 stories entered if you haven’t done so already. Fabulous talent here on SS!

Congratulations to all the winners and the top 10! So much talent here! I’ve read all the stories and I highly recommend reading all twelve stories that entered.

Woke up way too early. After multiple attempts to go back to sleep, I gave up and will likely need a nap later. Been working on a few stories this morning. Taking my brother for a swim at 10 and then I have the rest of the day to get ready for my nephew and his best buddy who are coming down for Spring break tomorrow for a week. Hubby is gone till Sunday so it’ll be nice to have some company and additional help with my brother.

Hope the week is going well for all y’all. I apparently picked up a cold in Michigan, which bums me out. But it seems to be running its paces rather quickly so I’m hopeful it won’t bog me down for long.

Sipping a cuppa tea while the cat snuggles up with me maybe I will take that nap sooner than later. LOL!

Popping in for some caffeine. Caught up on reading the recent stories here and now I need to do something about the unpacked suitcase that is staring at me. The weekend was bittersweet, attended a funeral Friday afternoon and babysat my grandsons Friday. The weekend flew by but I managed to fill my heart with baby snuggles. My swim this morning should have invigorated me but instead I feel drowsy

So now it’s nap or consume caffeine and be productive. Hmmmmm….

Quote by Susie_de_Vil

It’s a beautiful sunny frosty day here in Ireland. Just been for a walk with the dogs and I’d love a cup of coffee to warm me up. I recognise a few faces from other places but hi, I’m Susie. New to here and hoping to publish a story or two soon

Welcome! 😎

The beginning of Lent. Was so pleased to discover that Methodists celebrate Lent. Hubby and I are making the switch from the Catholic Church to the Methodist Church. We needed a place of worship that felt more inclusive.

Never got around to having a doughnut or a paczki, but I had a Stella with my blackened grouper sandwich for lunch and dipped my kettle chips in Mayo. So, that counts right? Bon Mardi Gras!

Quote by Ceebees

I've managed to read all the entries in so far and like you, I'm really impressed by the variety of stories and interpretations on the theme.

I got my entry in. I've never been to Mardi Gras so I'm afraid you're stuck with fecking pancakes.

I've read all the entries as well. Fabulous stories. LOVED your fecking pancakes!!

Quote by verbal

Sorry to hear about the ear (there's a pun in there somewhere), Red. I've had nothing cut away yet, but a bit of colon (unnecessarily as it turned out). Now I have a semi-colon. Tip your waitresses.

Red, you should get antennas, like My Favorite Martian. That's dating myself!

No Talia Thursday. I'm feeling a bit under the weather, but will do my best to push through. Hope it's not a sign of actually getting sick.

Coffee and a cookie please.

Sorry you are feeling under the weather. Perhaps a ladder would help you climb over it? (Sorry. Puns are contagious). hope it’s nothing serious. Feel better!

Thanks to you I now have the theme song from My Favorite Martian in my head. Ray Walston had a lot of credits under his acting belt, but “Uncle Martin” was one of my favorite roles for him. That and “Mr Hand” in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Think I’m gonna need some tea while I travel down this rabbit hole…