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1 month ago
United States


Looking forward to Sara’s cookies. YUM!

The Rays beat the Tigers again. This time 12-2. Whoo hoo!

We rented Plane on Amazon Prime tonight. Very intense. We liked it a lot. Some implausible moments, but overall enjoyable. It helps that I like Girard Butler.

Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

I’ve been so busy with Drew that I forgot to tell y’all that Jane is actually going to be back a bit sooner than I’d thought.

New WL starts on April 11th, not the 17th. Brace yourselves cause the posts are coming.

I was wondering when we’d see some Jane posts. Not gonna lie, I was kinda missing those. 🥰

Grabbing some of that Iced Tea after a few hours on the beach (Under the umbrella, of course). The movie was really good, in my opinion. I really think D&D enthusiasts will really enjoy it for the accuracy, and others will enjoy the action and the humor. My brother stayed awake, so that's a big thumb's up from him. My hubby and sister enjoyed it but thought parts were slow. I didn't think that at all.

I've been stuck on where to go with a story that I am writing. Not sure if it's worth salvaging. It might have to sit dormant for a bit until a better direction occurs to me.

Off to get ready to go out to dinner.

Quote by Mendalla

I am a bit tempted. The reviews are much better than for any previous attempt at a D&D oor RPG-based movie and from the trailer, it looks like they nailed some of the monsters from my D&D days.

I will let you know how it is. 😎

Back to feeling like myself and happy to know I have 4 weeks to enjoy this burst of energy. More tests next Monday but a break from treatment and that makes me a happy Kat! Hope all y’all are enjoying your Friday and have something fun planned for the weekend. Taking my brother to see Dungeons and Dragons tonight. And YES, I’m not ashamed to admit the reason I am going is because Regé-Jean Page is one of the actors. Brother just likes popcorn. It’s a win-win.

We watched Don’t Worry Darling. Florence Pugh was fabulous. Otherwise it was okay. I didn’t find it stellar, but it was entertaining enough.

Quote by verbal

I'm taking the main idea and trying to mold it into a short story.

I was depressed all day yesterday, thinking about abandoning 35,000 words, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I'd feel worse abandoning it at 45,000.

Anyway, better today. BASEBALL IN TWO DAYS! And the new story might be good. No coffee or tea or cookies out so I will whip that all up. Costco coffee it is! And the fanciest of teas! And basketball cookies!

I'm meeting with my tax person today. Sigh.

A coffee and a cookie would be the bee's knees.

Sometimes when I feel like my story is dumb or I can’t see it going any further, I just let it sit. I move onto something else and then come back several months (or even years) and see if I can revive it with fresh eyes. I hope that you find a way to salvage the heart of the story. In the meantime, cookies do make things less painful. 😉

Quote by Mendalla

Yeah, nasty down here, too. Started after lunch. Now we are under a wind warning here.

You and Bear just need to move further south. It’s been beach weather all weekend which has lifted my spirits immensely. My fabulous hubby made sure I was protected from the sun with two umbrellas. Only spent 2 hours out each day but it was a welcome change from the couch.

I will take a lemonade with a straw please. It will be another week before I can drink without straws.

Quote by verbal

Thanks for the set-up, and Happy Equinox everyone. Still feeling pretty lousy. So is Talia.

A coffee and some Nyquil please.

Hope you’re both feeling better soon.

I'll take my tea in the iced variety with a straw this morning. The overcast skies and windy weather have me in a bit of a funk. Funny how I've become so dependent on sunshine that I get annoyed when it doesn't show up.

Hope all y'all are having a good start to your weekend. We did enjoy having the neighbors over last night for corned beef and cabbage. Today will be a chill day until we take my brother to see Shazam later. He enjoys action movies and, of course, LOVES popcorn.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Just spent a couple of hours resting before our neighbors come over for our traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner. Annoyed that I can't join hubby in a Guinness this year, as treatment and alcohol don't play nicely together. I am midway through round 3 and was told yesterday that I will need a round 4. So, I won't be drinking for a while, it seems. Ah, well.

Sorry about the rejection slip. Those aren't fun.

Since I can't drink, I'm gonna help myself to a handful of those cookies. Thanks Sara!

Quote by verbal

I found the DVDs. I'm looking for it streaming for free!

My cold/flu is still lingering. I feel pretty crappy. Got any cough medicine back there behind the counter? Not up for coffee today, I don't think (gasp!).

Take care everyone.

You can have my cough medicine, it doesn’t play well with my treatment.

Rumor has it DCS is not streaming seasons 2-9 because of the amount of music they used. Not sure if that’s true

Quote by JamesPBear

The sun is attempting a wan break through the grey clouds overhead. But at least it's not snowing anymore!

A mug of Red Rose for me, then perhaps I'll sit with Kat and compare notes on who has the more miserable weather!

We have company for the next couple of days – our other granddaughter, the six-year-old, and her dad are coming for a visit – which means a loud, noisy time for da Bear! Well, at least they're happy sounds! (sigh)

You’d win the miserable weather contest hands down. It was only supposed to reach 66 F today but when I asked Samuel L. Jackson on my Alexa he said it’s 69 F. Now if the pollen and the Red Tide would settle down maybe I could breathe a lil better.

Enjoy your company! Grandkid noise is the best kind!

Something cold sounds good to drink. Maybe a Vanilla cherry Coke Zero with a straw.

Our Florida weather has taken a dip in the wrong direction. I woke up to 56 degrees F this morning! Currently 61 but a far cry from the delightful weather we’ve had lately. Still, I’m reminded that it doesn’t snow here, so I will stop whining. At least the sun is shining.

How many Carries could a Drew Carey carry if a Drew Carey could carry carries? (By the way, I found the DVDs on Etsy with Elyse’s exact search wording. Not many left, but way cheaper than eBay!).

Feeling meh today. Perhaps an iced-tea lemonade will perk me up a bit. Hope all who are ailing feel better soon.

Thanks for the cookies, Sara!

Quote by Mendalla

Good morning, folks. Coffee is a nice dark roast from Nicaragua. There's Red Rose and English Breakfast in the teapots. Hot water is on for other teas or hot chocolate.

The Spirits of Tan Maldrin, my latest contribution to the wonderful world of fantasy fiction is out. It leans a bit dark but less so than earlier drafts where a character died (it is actually still obvious which one from what does happen). This one has been gestating for a very long time so I am kind of glad to have it out there. The inevitable second part will, hopefully, go quicker.

Later, alligators.

Glad to hear another part is coming. I got to the end of the story and wanted more. It's fabulous!

Quote by CuriousAnnie

Lol, that is so funny - instantly one of my favourite posts. God forbid if Himself ever informs his father (or grandfathers) of a similar sentiment about cricket. I've watched a little (very little) baseball on TV, it doesn't seem that boring but there again I'm not five.

Save me a cookie (am I allowed to call them biscuits) for tomorrow, its late on Friday evening. Went out for drinks and nibbles, earlier at a wine bar; life changes when you have to keep to an 18 month olds routine.

Can’t believe himself is 18 months already! Time flies! Then again my grandson is 6 months and beginning to crawl.

We’ll make sure to save you a biscuit for when you’re ready.

I should have mentioned that when my daughter was five she was already playing soccer and floor hockey, dancing, and playing a bit of basketball. So baseball , by comparison, was quite dull.

Puts a blanket over Gillian. Let’s not forget to leave some cookies/biscuits for her as well…shhhh!

I’m not entirely sure why, but I woke up in the best mood! TGIF all y’all!

We binged the first four episodes of Mel Brooks’ History of the World Part 2 on Hulu. If you are looking for mindless humor with a lot of well-known actors in ridiculous skits, look no further. It won’t win any awards but it provided more than a few chuckles last night.

Quote by AnnaMayZing

Maybe it is the European spelling. I used that spelling since Katarina and Maria are both German. There is also Katharina. smile

It IS the European spelling. I’m only a second generation American. 😉

Quote by verbal

That sounds awful frankly. Baseball, if you are not into it, can be SO boring. I've been with friends who were bored at games and it made me bored for them.

No one in to set up, so I'll do the honors. I like to think of the coffee shop as a collective. smile. Percolator on, two pots of fancy tea steeping, and HOT CHOCOLATE! I'm no slouch!

More financial bullshit today, though everything else appears to be going well. Still waiting to see if I made the final cut on a magazine - they said I was on the short list, whatever that means. Don't tell me I MIGHT be in it, and I'll know in three weeks. That turns into three weeks of anxious waiting. Just tell me yes or no.

Anyway. Baseball season soon. Sick of Spring Training games already.

Coffee and a ladybug cookie for me!

When my kids were little, we took them and some of their friends to a baseball game. My youngest was about five at the time, and she enjoyed the pregame activities, popcorn, hotdogs, and such. But a few innings into the game, she turned around and asked me when the game was going to start. I told her it had already started and that it was the middle of the third inning. She looked at the field again and back at me and told me the guys weren't moving. I nodded and agreed that there hadn't been much action yet. A minute later, she turned around and said, "Are you sure this is a sport?" I thought the guys behind were going to piss themselves laughing.

Ladybug cookie sounds yummy! I'll have one, too, please, and a lemonade.