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2 days ago
0 miles · Sacramento


Highlights of the day:

-I'm getting a new mattress.
-I have a new thermostat and my pilot light is on.
-I renewed my Apple Music subscription earlier in the week.
-Three more days till I see Jane again.
It's day nine of the WL hiatus. Five days to go till I see Jane again and all I can think of is, like, running into her arms and having her stagger backwards in mock alarm as she holds me.
Hit a bit of a writing slump right when I didn't need one.

Also missing Anne today for some reason.
Quote by Mendalla
Kissing over the jack o'lantern? Kissing under the skeleton hanging in your tree (saw a few of those this afternoon)? You're right. Halloween needs a kissing tradition. Just need to decide what it should be.

Yeah. Not that I actually need an excuse to kiss Jane, but yknow...if anyone asks.
...somebody followed my Janestagram (and yes, I really do have an IG devoted to her) and...well, idk what I was expecting, but now my body is full of butterflies and I forgot to get coffee cause they're also a Janestagram.

...and on another note, hey to anyone here. I'm getting coffee before I get distracted again.
Well, don't get me wrong cause it took me awhile to accept that I'm pretty much nocturnal but yeah, I hear you.
I can't sleep but I welcome it because there's a certain comfort in being awake late at night.
I found a way to hear Jane's album until I can fix my Apple Music subscription, but some of the songs almost make it feel like a joke album; like, maybe somebody dared her to make it or something.

TLDR; it's totally her and I love it.
I can't type. Either that or I'm hungry cause I almost put "Jane Lunch" by accident elsewhere oops.
Quote by Mendalla
Ah, I am not up on the vagaries of iTunes and likely never will be. I am a died in the wool Windows and Android guy. If I was using a music service, it would likely be Youtube Music (formerly Google Play Music) or Spotify and paid for with good old-fashioned money via my Paypal.

My dad is like that too, sort of. He got his first iPod recently and is using my old iPad for certain things...but he still has a windows laptop, too. Two steps forward and one step back, I guess.

And in other news, I'm overwhelmed by the thought of watching stuff with Jane in cause she's done so much.
Quote by Mendalla
Huh? Apple subs don't just start as soon as you pay? So you could just renew right now and hear her?

If I had iTunes money, yeah, but I won't get more cards till next month. My subscriptions are funded by iTunes cards and I get them every month but I used this month's for other stuff oops.
I would forget to renew my Apple Music subscription right before learning about Jane's Christmas now I have to wait till next month to hear her sing.
It's all fun and games till you start shipping a rarepair and have read all eleven of the fics multiple times.'d think that, for somebody that appears in fourteen episodes, Jane would show up more often.
Quote by Mendalla
Okay, just ignore my mention of Inspirations in my welcome message. I see you found it already. Welcome. Grab a cup of your favorite hot or cold beverage and join the fun. Sara's cookies are good, too, if you need a sugar fix.

Figured I might as well break the ice and get that over with.