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Over 90 days ago



I love to read. Like honestly like 99% of my like is spent on the computer or reading. Also I spend like 89% of my like breathing, and like maybe 68% in school, 56% drawing or doing art, 43% playing guitar, and like 89.999% eating.

And I'm bad at math.

Favorite Books
The Harry Potter books, The Hunger Games books, The Mortal Instruments books, the Divergent bools, the Maze Runner books, the Stung books, and The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die.

Favorite Authors
Uncle Rick, Her Majesty Queen Rowling, Ronnie Roth, Suzie Collins, and so on.

Favorite Movies
...maybe Harry Potter...Divergent...The Hunger Games..(NOT PERCY JACKSON)...and um the Maze Runner.

Favorite TV Shows
I don't watch TV

Favorite Music
OMG I love Beth Crowley. Like really go to YouTube and look up her songs: This Goodbye (based off of the hunger games), Pretend It's Home (based off of divergent), Warrior (based off the mortal instruments), and Fangirls. Really. Go. Now.