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Over 90 days ago
0 miles · Louisville


Hotwheels. Because Hotwheels

Models of halftracks, I've built some. They're my favorite vehicle.

Skeleton keys, no clue why, they're just cool.

I did collect bottlecaps, but I stopped after my ex stole them.

I guess in a way, I've started collecting trench coats.

I've got a sci-fi romance, that's rather soft on the sci-fi, and based in my city, so world building is rather simple and it takes place about thirty to forty years in the future, and not too far off from what it's like today, with things they're trying to do today, like androids and electric cars.

The Fantasy novel is a bit more involved with races, magic, monsters, etc.

Quote by Mendalla

Ferrets are kind of cool. I've never known one, but heard of people who had them. When I was in kindergarten (yes, that long ago) the school librarian had a de-scented skunk. Brought the skunk in to show us, too. They are rather lovely animals if you leave aside the whole naturally evolved chemical weapons thing.

The whole family is like that, Skunks are like the only one that uses it as a weapon. To me, ferrets smell the way Frontline Advantage used to smell.