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Girl’s Story

In which we learn about Girl's life before Bear.

Girl watched Bear disappear into the woods and felt terrible about hurting him. Clearly, she had touched a deep nerve. She waited for him to return, even sitting on the edge of the rocking chair for a time. Finally, she sighed and went back into the cabin...


In which Girl grows closer to Bear – and begins to learn something of his past.

Girl was rudely awakened by a massive BLAM and an incredibly bright flash of light. She jerked upright, hand to her mouth, quivering and afraid. She was confused as to where she was, having been ripped from a sound sleep. Her head whipped around, quarteri...

The Fall

Girl is forced to confront her past.

Bear and Girl had hiked up the ravine as Bear wanted to show her the waterfall. The spray from the falls made the glade seem foggy, with clouds of mist rolling through all the time. It made the air cool and the glade refreshing, plus there was a rainbow....


The world can be cold when you're alone…

I watched as the homeless man collided with her. “Spare some change for a cuppa coffee?” Lois looked at the ragged man, then seemed to melt. “Sure. Wait a minute.” She opened her pocketbook, rummaged around, and came up with a five dollar bill, which she...

I’ve walked in darkness my whole life. Each day I wake up and wonder if today is the day I will slip away into the darkness – then resolve, like an alcoholic, that I will hold out for just one more day. Death is my addiction, and I work to hold it off eve...

It Was A Dream…

I think this is a true story.

Late night, not sleeping Awake, thoughts keeping My head from finding rest In bed’s embracing nest, Ev’n though my pillow’s soft In midnight’s quiet loft. So, lotus sitting, chanting OM… I let my Self begin to roam. Recalling that it’s been said, That ast...

Save The Last Dance For Me

War is always full of surprises, but none quite like this one!

“Halt! Who goes?” “Relax, private. It’s Major Jessop.” “Password – Sir!” “Seriously? You know I’m your CO, right, Private Tyson?” “Yessir, I know – but I still need the password. Sir!” I smiled, “’In England's green and pleasant land,’” I quoted, “And wel...

The Road Not Traveled

It was a dark and stormy night … which led to a surprising revelation

The Road Not Traveled I know it’s an awful cliché, but it truly was a dark and stormy night. The rented car I was driving didn’t make it any easier, either, as the defroster didn’t work worth a damn. As a result, I was almost driving with one hand, and wi...

Looking at Clouds from Both Sides

Girl finds peace among the Clouds

When Girl woke, she stretched and was pleased to find that she didn’t hurt as much as she had earlier. She lay in bed, and smiled at the ceiling, enjoying the feeling of just being lazy. It was a feeling she had not had very often in her life. She wondere...

Score 4 4
418 Views 418
1.5k words 1.5k words


In which Bear shows Girl how breathing can be…simple.

Afternoon was getting on. The Girl had spent a lazy day, rocking on the front porch and looking at the mountains, feeling very much as if they were looking back at her. Later, she had discovered some jigsaw puzzles in a closet and selected one. She laid i...

Score 2 2
466 Views 466
561 words 561 words


The Bear shares some of his great friends with Girl

The day dawned clear and cool, giving the two friends a break from the hotter weather than had lived there for so many days – and reminding them that winter wasn’t that far away. It never is, in the mountains. So, when she arose from her night’s sleep – d...

Score 3 3
378 Views 378
809 words 809 words

The Story of Days

The Bear and Girl find joy in small, lovely things, as well as in their growing friendship.

The days passed in lazy friendship, while Girl’s bruises and aches slowly started to heal. Finally came the day when she was tired of behaving sensibly, and hanging around the cabin all the time. No matter how entertaining – or infuriating, or amusing – t...


The Girl finds out how it is that no one has discovered a polar bear in the Rockies!

The Girl was exhausted by their deep discussion on the Nature of God, the universe, and reality. She was also recovering from what looked like a significant beating, which showed on her face, and the parts of her arms and legs that were visible. Bear was...

Of God and Bear

The Bear and Girl discuss whether God exists…with surprising results.

The two friends sat together, watching the stars emerge in their crystalline thousands. Finally, Bear got up. “Follow me,” and walked off the porch. The Girl followed him, but put her hand on his back to guide herself, watching the ground to keep from tri...