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3 hours ago


Howdy homies, it's Hump-Day!

I've got some fine Costa Rican medium roast in the pot, plus Early Grey and Buddha's Blend teas on the sideboard.

Plenty of hot water for other infusion drinks, and hot cocoa with marshmallows.

Cooler is stocked, fish are frozen, and all's right with the – coffee bar.

Out there? Not so much. The Orange Menace rages…supreme?

Let's hope not.

Hmmm…I seem to be first in.

Naming cats now? Sheesh. What next? Everybody knows that only Polar Bears need names.

We've got some mellow Farmer's Blend from Balzac's in the coffee pot, Darjeeling and Buddha's Blend teas in the sideboard, plus plenty of hot water for other drinks.

The cooler stocked, and the stock is cool, and I'm gonna lounge back in the corner booth with Writer Girl!

Elbows up, y'all!

Hi there y'all.

It's wet and rainy here today – but I gather that's the case for most of the Eastern Seacoast. WriterGirl might be getting thunderstorms and possibly tornadoes, so I hope she's battened down the hatches.

Jay has been out playing in the mud – I mean the garden – because there are early shoots poking up out of the ground. She gets elated over the new bulbs we planted last Fall coming up, then annoyed at the holes where the squirrels dug up others of the bulbs. And she's started to rake snow and leaves off some of the beds, even though our DIL says she shouldn't. At this time of year, Jay wants to SEE green shoots, even if it causes some burrowing bugs to go elsewhere.

I've got Dark and Stormy coffee blend from the Carib Coffee Co in Antigua brewing today. Seems appropriate.

And I've got some cannoli with various kinds of fillings for those who are NOT watching their waists.

I've checked the cooler, and Mendalla has kept everything fully stocked, and ready to go, so we're good.

Take care out there, everybody.

Elbows UP!

Quote by WriterGirl

I feel for you, Gillian! It truly is the hardest thing seeing a loved one suffer and caring for them while trying to live your life, too. Dad has a 3-yr long term health coverage policy. We just kicked it in and are not sure what we’ll do if Dad lives over three years. Mom only lived 1.5 years once we moved her to memory care. Fortunately, their insurance companies were great to work with.

Take care of yourself! Anxiety is an unwelcome companion for sure!

My Wildcats are fixing to play. Will be tough to get a win!

I agree with WG, Gillian. You can't give what you don't have, and if you fall apart, you won't be able to help your father – or the other people who depend on you.

The first rule of life-saving is not to become a second person that needs saving.

Therapy can help. Make sure you're working with a therapist with whom you feel comfortable, and whom you feel you can trust. If that's not this one, find one that you can work with.

Beautiful photos, Gillian. We've been to the Outer Banks, and two things stood out to us.

First, how beautiful it is.

And second, that people build homes in a place renowned for hurricanes – and then expect government assistance when their homes are demolished. Repeatedly.

In Canada, we share your frustration with that administration and the cretins that populate it. They seem to be doing everything in their power to destroy America, both internally and externally. America's reputation with its allies around the world is in tatters, and government services are going to become problematic. How do you trust a country that tears up long-standing treaties on the whim of an immature narcissist, and or a government that ignores laws?

Worse, the government services being eviscerated include weather forecasting, air traffic control, and debt management.

Ray Dalio, who is a famous hedge fund manager with a long history of anticipating problems and opportunities, has warned that America is flirting with disaster. Its deficits are so large that it has to borrow trillions of dollars on the world market every year. At the same time, it is alienating everyone who is likely to buy that debt. Bond buyers may wonder if America will honour its debts – or look to "restructure" them, which means default. The critical question is: Can we trust America?

Dalio is warning that one day, America will put bonds and t-bills up for sale – and there won't be enough buyers. That would cause interest rates to spike and could trigger a global financial panic.

Worse, Dalio says that such an event is "imminent".

It happened to New Zealand in 1984. It can happen to America.

The best thing to do, as an American citizen, is to call your senators and representative, and complain that you can't get the services you're paying taxes for, and you're not happy about it. Even if they don't respond, they tally the calls, and it affects how they behave.

As for us foreigners, all we can do is stand up to that puerile bully, and hope that America comes to her senses.

I know that doesn't assuage any of your worries, and I'm sorry about that. It's the world we're living in right now.

Hello everybody!

Beautiful – cold – sunny day here. The sun should warm things up (I hope), and the sun certainly created some excitement yesterday as it melted the snow around the front of our house. Then, late in the afternoon, when our 4-year-old granddaughter was walking home from school with her parents, they called us out to find … green shoots! Flowers beginning to poke up from beneath the snow!

Lady Jay, who is a gardener down to her (dirty) fingernails, was so excited. It gave her hope that perhaps Spring isn't too far away.

And with that, I'll take an Earl Grey tea to go, and I brought some peanut butter cookies to share.

And since it's been a while since I dropped in, congratulations to all the winners, especially Markie, Kat, and WriterGirl!

It was a fun competition! Thank you Molly for the inspiration!

I believe Mendalla has gone into the office. I'd love to see a photo of him in a suit and tie!

Anyway, there are Sumatran dark roast beans in the coffee pot, Earl Grey and Irish Breakfast teas on the sideboard, and hot water for hot chocolate and other hot beverages.

Take care out there, 'K?

You know I would have offered tea, sympathy, and a (cautious) ride to the doctor's office had I been there, right, WG?

I see there's no one around, so …

We're featuring Farmer's Blend from Balzac's Coffee Roastery today, with Orange Pekoe and Irish Breakfast teas.

There's hot water in the kettle for those wishing to make hot chocolate, and we always keep a supply of mini-marshmallows.

Cold drinks in the fridge – I don't see any lemonade, but there's probably some lemons if someone has the talent – and the squeeze.

And top of the morning – and the new month! – to y'all!

Quote by WriterGirl

Omg, I have a treadmill story for you! And a warning! I had a treadmill and it backed up to the edge of an old piano with pointed decorative wood on sides. I decided it was okay to text and jog. 🙄 Lost footing and flew backwards and pointed edge of piano rammed into my butt crack. 😳😳😳 I immediately fell off and couldn’t move my legs. I started screaming, “My Butt! My Butt!” Within a few minutes I felt my legs again but was in soooo much pain. My son rushed me to the Dr. I didn’t break my tailbone but badly bruised it. Like a knot the size of a peach formed and a two doctors were all up in my crack checking the damage. I had to sit on a donut for weeks. Haven’t been on a treadmill since!

Sounds, um … painful…That's really, uh, too bad, WG!

(covers mouth, trying very hard to stifle another expression of emotion)

Hi everybody! I'm back!!

Did you miss me?

Did anyone notice I was gone?


(shoulders slump) Oh well…

Anyway, we're back from the Land of the Free(?!). Probably our last trip there until there is a positive Regime Change.

It was … interesting, and mostly quite enjoyable.

Just popped in to get some tea, but I'll brew up some Costa Rican dark coffee, and leave pots of Orange Pekoe and Darjeeling teas on the side for folks. Hot water for hot chocolate or other teas, of course.

Sorry – don't have any goodies to offer – other than my enchanting personality, I mean.

'Bye! Sunny day here today, cooler after yesterday's rain. I think it's about 16 or 17C – a long way from -8-10 at home!

I wonder if our snow service found our house under all the snow?

We'll find out later this month!

(walks in and looks around)

Anyone got a cannon I can fire off in here?

Oh, well – it's Friday. Maybe everyone's out making plans.

I've got some fine Guatemalan dark roast coffee in the pot, plus Darjeeling and Matcha green teas on the side.

Didn't bring any cookies today – anyone got any goodies? Since Sara departed for parts unknown, we've been kinda hit or miss in that department.

Gillian, of course you can count on our vibes and support. We all go through hard times on occasion.

I've put Lavazza beans in the coffee maker, and we've got Orange Pekoe and English Breakfast teas on the sideboard.

(checks cookie jars) Hmmmm… gettin' a little thin on the ground here. I'm not a baker, but I'll see what I can scare up for baked goods.

There. Sugar cookies, and cream-filled cup cakes. That should hold most people's sweet teeth (sweet tooths?) for a while!

Yeah, well Lady Jay gave me a sign for my office door this Christmas. It says, "I think I seized the wrong day!"

Ha ha.

Anyway, I've cleaned out the coffee urn, and loaded it up with fresh Spring water, from the fresh Spring that runs through Jeff's story (I think) in the warmer months, plus some nice Costa Rican Gold, dark roast coffee.

We've got Oolong and Darjeeling teas on the sideboard, plus hot water galore for them what wants hot chocolate.

"Leave the story, take the …"

Jeez Louise.

OK, well we've got Café Roulade with cannoli cream. Take it or else.

How's everyone doing this fine, frosty Friday?

Good news for those of us who live around the Great Lakes: The recent Artic Vortex has frozen over about half of the lakes, which you will recall were unseasonably warm, with the result that there won't be as much lake-effect snow for the balance of the winter.

I'll take the silver linings when I can get 'em.

Quote by Mendalla

So we are back on the ship trying to relax on Serenity, the adults only deck, but there's a band playing loud on the ship across the pier from us. Right now they are covering Bon Jovi, which I can live with but it's not really what I want right now. Playing black metal at full volume can't drown it out. Are full broadside cannon volleys still legal in the Caribbean? ☠️😄

Absolutely cannon broadsides are legal in the Caribbean – provided you don't get caught!

Sounds like, music aside, you're having fun, Mendalla! Enjoy a cocktail for us, eh?

We've got Columbian medium-roast in the pot, and Darjeeling and Buddha's Blend teas on the sideboard, and some cream-filled cannoli that I picked up this morning on the way in.

Still cold today – like -25C with wind chill this morning, which is about -13F, so – cold however you count it!

Oh well. I've only got to go out and pick up groceries. I'm glad I had the Bear-mobile battery replaced earlier! It's all good now.

Quote by Mendalla

Hello from Barbados!! Actually, we are pulling out soon. Had a lovely sunset. Fifth of eight islands. Tomorrow we are at sea, then the last three. Too many islands, really. I am getting some reading in, though, mostly history stuff. Late classical to early medieval.

Hurry back from those hot, humid climes, Mendalla, or you'll miss the Artic Vortex! It's currently -19C with windchill to -23, and you wouldn't want to miss that, would you? Never mind – it's going to warm all the way up to a high of -11 on Wednesday, then SOAR to -6 on Thursday!

You wouldn't want us to have ALL the fun, would you?

We've got Sumatran dark roast for coffee today, and Orange Pekoe and Buddha's Blend teas.

Plenty of hot water, plus a tin of condensed milk to make hot chocolate, and some peanut butter cookies what Lady Jay made yesterday. Most of them vanished overnight, so she told me to get them out of the house before SOMEBODY blows their January resolutions to hell and back!

Stay warm – snuggle with a friend!

I'm late to the fair – I lost track of the date, somehow!

Congratulations to everyone who entered, but particularly to Jeff, Jason (who seems to be taking up residence on podia these days), and Anna!

And applause to the other 7 honourable mentions! Well deserved, all!

It was a fun comp, and I enjoyed the entries!

Glad to hear you're having fun, Mendalla on your cruise! We've been to the USVI as well as the BVI, and enjoyed both, although truth to tell, we prefer being at sea to all these annoying hop-and-stop cruises.

Our favourite cruise was a Panama Canal transit, from San Diego to Port Canaveral in Florida. It was a 14-day cruise, with what was supposed to be 4 stops, including the tip of the Baja Peninsula, and Puerta Vallarta. However, instead we went through two Pacific hurricanes and a tropical depression. One of the hurricanes hit both Baja and Puerta Vallarta, so both of those port visits were canceled. Instead, we had 9 straight sea days – and loved it.

Well, on one of the days, the waves were kinda rough, which didn't bother me, but Lady Jay, just that once, stayed in our cabin when I went to dinner. Only about half of the passengers wanted to eat, for some reason.

I had no trouble because I worked on a ship for a year between high school and university. I've been sea sick once, on the second day of that year, and never since.

It was a wonderful cruise, and we truly enjoyed the Canal transit.

I've put on some Columbian dark roast beans for coffee, and we have Darjeeling and Lapsong Souchow teas available in the pots on the sideboard.

(checks cookie jars) Hmmm… we're running a little thin. I'm not much of a baker – anyone got any ideas? I miss having Sara refill the cookie jars.

Glad to hear you're having fun, Mendalla! We've been to the USVI as well as the BVI, and enjoyed both, although truth to tell, we prefer being at sea to all these annoying hop-and-stop cruises.

Our favourite cruise was a Panama Canal transit, from San Diego to Port Canaveral in Florida. It was a 14-day cruise, with what was supposed to be 4 stops, including the tip of the Baja Peninsula, and Puerta Vallarta. However, instead we went through two Pacific hurricanes and a tropical depression. One of the hurricanes hit both Baja and Puerta Vallarta, so both of those port visits were canceled. Instead, we had 9 straight sea days – and loved it.

Well, on one of the days, the waves were kinda rough, which didn't bother me, but Lady Jay, just that once, stayed in our cabin when I went to dinner. Only about half of the passengers wanted to eat, for some reason.

I had no trouble because I worked on a ship for a year between high school and university. I've been sea sick once, on the second day of that year, and never since.

It was a wonderful cruise, and we truly enjoyed the Canal transit.

(wanders in, looks around) Hunh. I know that Mendalla is off on vacation, but …

OK, let's get things rolling.

Guatemalan dark roast beans for coffee, Orange Pekoe and Darjeeling teas in pots on the side, and cold drinks in the cooler. I brought some goodies – spice bars – not up to the standards of the homemade goodies Gillian and Cora bring, but the best a poor Bear can do.

The comp certainly finished up with a bang, with 16 entries, all of them well-written. Well, maybe excepting the first one. Let's see what the judges think – and all the best of British luck to them! I wouldn't want to have to pick winners from that bunch!

I hope Mendalla has recovered from the screw-up by Delta on his flights down, and is somewhere warm, sipping a cool, frosty drink while conspicuously not thinking about us!

Quote by Mendalla

Good snowy morning. Maybe I'm getting the storm verbs was talking about yesterday. Took maybe 18 inches off my driveway already and it is still coming down on and off. Winter in Ontario, you know I ... well, I sometimes love it. Oh well, the Caribbean beckons. Three days to go.

Putting on some Fire Roasted Holiday Blend because, hey, we've lots left over and it's not that far past the holidays yet. For teas, there's Earl Grey and Raspberry Royale, both from Bigelows. Hot water is ready and sodas are stocked.

How's things?


Which cruise line are you going with, and what island stops are you making, Mendalla? Lady Jay and I have been on several cruises, including the Bahamas and the Caribbean. We actually prefer being at sea to doing this one-port-stop-every-day shit. After a while, the ports start to look the same, and the only differences are what's printed on the t-shirts.

But if I can make a recommendation, get out of the main port areas. They've been bought up by the cruise lines, and the same luxury good vendors, and jewelry sellers occupy those parts of every stop. But if you get out into the back streets, you can find some real stores by local people. Lady Jay and I found an outstanding linen and fabric tableware shop that way. We would also seek out a good coffee shop, often asking one of the locals. That not only got us wifi access, but we got to chat with some people who WEREN'T owned by the cruise companies. Just be sure to use a condom – I mean a VPN – if you're using a public wifi system, including those in the coffee shops!

One swell coffee, coming up!

Since Mendalla hasn't swung by yet, I'll get things going.

We've got some nice Costa Rican dark roast beans for coffee, plus Lemon Zinger and Earl Grey teas, as well as hot water for all the usual other warm beverages.

(checks the fridge) Reasonable number of soft drinks, but I'll leave a note to Mendalla to stock up soon. We're getting a little thin on colas.

Competition seems to be going well. Thirteen entries, all of which are good, and in very different ways!

Shaping up nicely – who's next?

And Happy New Year's Day! Every one bright and eager this morning?

I didn't think so…

Oh well. There's Columbian medium roast beans for coffee, and Buddha's Blend and Earl Grey for tea – plus hot water for them what want to make their own choices.

I think there are some goodies left over from 2024, but since I'm no baker, check it for yourselves.

And may 2025 be a year you all remember with fondness!

A quiet day in the midst of all the holiday hoo-rah. Lady Jay is doing one of the three jigsaw puzzles she got for Christmas, which is keeping her well-occupied. I've been on a bit of a writing jag, and am torn between writing, or working on one of the MS I'm editing for publication. That latter is easier, so maybe I'll go with that.

Unless a story rears up and demands to be told, in which case the decision is made for me.

Meanwhile, I'll put on some Guatamalan dark roast, with Earl Grey and Darjeeling teas, plus hot water for them what wants something else.

I'm gonna take a big mug of Earl Grey – and I'll see if there are any goodies around.

Well hello out there! I trust you all had a white and wonderful Christmas! It certainly was here.

Nice crop of comp entries growing – glad I slipped mine in early, although, like Mendalla, I suspect that new kid – WriterGirl is it? – is gonna take the brass ring.

We had a happy day, although I seemed to have spent much of the day washing dishes. I guess that comes of being the least talented chef in the family. I don't actually mind it, much, although our son seems to create bomb sites when he cooks. He figured out in university that if you cook, you don't have to clean up. As a result, it sometimes seems when he is finished, he's somehow managed to use every pot, pan, bowl, dish, and plate in the place!

Fortunately, since a blow-up several Christmases ago, he's started cleaning up a bit as he goes. Now every pot, pan, bowl, dish, and plate in the place has been used – but is at least placed in the sink with water so food doesn't get crusted on.

I've been doing a bit of writing, some of it here, some elsewhere, as well as trying to promote Bear and Girl, I'm also editing the MS of another book, which I co-authored, and have two other MS waiting in the wings for the time to get punched into shape for publication.

Geez, now that I read all that, I realize what a wordy bloke I am!

Anyway, hope you're all well. Anna, so sorry to hear about your niece. Way too early. I had a younger cousin die this year – he drank himself to death – and we all felt sorry because he was non-social due to being so painfully shy.

Tragedy is part of life, but we don't have to enjoy it. 😕

Coffee we can manage, Jeff. I've got some of Peet's special Celebration Blend coffee for y'all. Teas are Black and Darjeeling, hot water for cocoa, and some nifty Christmas-y donuts!

I'm gonna have to get to present wrapping soon, or Lady Jay will not be happy!

Still, I think she'll like some of the goodies I got for her. Not much longer to wait!

And I've submitted my entry. Let's see if it sneaks by the moderators!

It's a true story, and I've titled it Nature's Cathedral.


Come on in!