Beautiful photos, Gillian. We've been to the Outer Banks, and two things stood out to us.
First, how beautiful it is.
And second, that people build homes in a place renowned for hurricanes – and then expect government assistance when their homes are demolished. Repeatedly.
In Canada, we share your frustration with that administration and the cretins that populate it. They seem to be doing everything in their power to destroy America, both internally and externally. America's reputation with its allies around the world is in tatters, and government services are going to become problematic. How do you trust a country that tears up long-standing treaties on the whim of an immature narcissist, and or a government that ignores laws?
Worse, the government services being eviscerated include weather forecasting, air traffic control, and debt management.
Ray Dalio, who is a famous hedge fund manager with a long history of anticipating problems and opportunities, has warned that America is flirting with disaster. Its deficits are so large that it has to borrow trillions of dollars on the world market every year. At the same time, it is alienating everyone who is likely to buy that debt. Bond buyers may wonder if America will honour its debts – or look to "restructure" them, which means default. The critical question is: Can we trust America?
Dalio is warning that one day, America will put bonds and t-bills up for sale – and there won't be enough buyers. That would cause interest rates to spike and could trigger a global financial panic.
Worse, Dalio says that such an event is "imminent".
It happened to New Zealand in 1984. It can happen to America.
The best thing to do, as an American citizen, is to call your senators and representative, and complain that you can't get the services you're paying taxes for, and you're not happy about it. Even if they don't respond, they tally the calls, and it affects how they behave.
As for us foreigners, all we can do is stand up to that puerile bully, and hope that America comes to her senses.
I know that doesn't assuage any of your worries, and I'm sorry about that. It's the world we're living in right now.