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4 days ago


How about the Blue Jays? They're six games over .500, and would be in FIRST PLACE in the AL Central, AL West, or NL Central – and where are they in the AL East?

Fourth place, and 10 1/2 games out of first!

In fact, in the AL East, only the Boston Dead Sox are below .500 – by ONE GAME: at 34-35

Oy gevalt!

Quote by Mendalla

Seven! Seven strange and wonderful tales! Mwahahaha! lightning flashes, thunder crashes

You're really into this, aren't you, Mendalla!

One wonders what you're like once the sun goes down…


Either that or you're REALLY into The Count from Sesame Street…

Quote by Mendalla

Welp, I gone done it. Hit "Publish". My comp entry is in the queue. Watch for it. Going to have some Kittie Zoomies and a cookie while I wait. Patiently. Really, I'm being patient. 😇

If that's "patient," then I'm glad I'm not your doctor!

We'll look for the entry marked "Ape".

Eagerly, of course.

OK, I've submitted my entry…so damn the torpedos, and full speed ahead!

Or something like that.

Now I'll try to read the other stories.

I'm going to brew a big mug of Red Rose tea, and wander back to Sara's Space, and see what I can see…

Hi there! Well, at least I've got a draft of a comp story done. I have no idea how good or bad it is, but I've stored it. Tomorrow or Tuesday I'll have a last look at it, see if it needs some more polishing, and then hit PUBLISH.

I'll warn you all when I do so you can arrange to be out of town…

Good morning, campers! There's a forecast of rain around here today. Let's hope it happens. Lady Jay's garden is getting awfully dry, which means her flowers aren't happy, which means she's not happy, which means – guess who gets left holding the unhappy-bag?

I'll put on water for tea, and get the coffee started – Tanzanian Teaberry should do – then retire back to Sara's Space, and lounge around for a bit, see if anyone else wanders in.

I'll take a bug mig – or a big mug – of English Breakfast tea, please. And I'll check for GF cookies, then mosey on back to Sara's Space and find a comfy spot.

I don't want to read the comp entries yet as I have started my own. Not sure how it's going to work out, and haven't had enough time to do much on it, but there is hope!

See ya!

Well, so far I'm up to about 400 words – and with a strong suspicion that I'll finish closer to 1,000 words than 10,000!

Well, at least that will make it easier for the judges, right?

Hey there, hi there, ho there! I'm here, after a long stretch of time in which RL intruded too vigorously!

Myths and Monsters, eh? Hmmm…

I've got to think about that. I don't believe I'm going to come anywhere close to 10K words, but I am thinking that I want to go big, at least on the theme…

I don't have a real idea yet, just an itch at the back of my head. I'll have to sleep on it a while and see what happens.

Or to quote Curly, of The Three Stooges…"I'm trying to think, but nuttin happens!"

Likewise, Elyse. I have a project due next Tuesday, so even though I'm just back from holiday, I'm armpit-deep in work.

Oh, well – no time for writing, even just editing stuff I've already written.

But I'll be back!

I hope…

Quote by Mendalla

Ape wanders in. Ape sees brownies. Ape starts swiping.😊

Good morning, all. Here's some nice hot java to go with those brownies. Tea, too, Assam and English Breakfast.

I've put both lemonade and iced tea in the fridge. Help yourselves.

Bright and sunny here and looking good for the whole weekend.

Morning, Ape! I'll forego the brownies, but will take a Bear-sized mug of English Breakfast tea and mosey on back to Sara's corner and see what develops.

Blue Jays are on a bit of a roll against KC, but let's see how they do against Mike Trout and especially Shohei Otani of the Angels! Who knows? Maybe this year they'll be good.

Then home against a weak Detroit team, followed by a much better test against Tampa Bay.

Fingers crossed!

Quote by Mendalla

LOL. Maybe it's not his cat. Maybe it's the cop's cat. 🤣

Good morning, fellow writers, readers, and literati. The coffee is hot and ready. There's a couple pots of tea, Russian Caravan and English Breakfast. Hot water is on for other teas and hot beverages. And there's a pitcher of iced tea chilling in the fridge.

Had a hellish day at work yesterday and other things are bothering me, too. Events at another site I am on are making me rather glad this place is quiet. Still, we need some more life and oomph around here, I think. Maybe I'll try posting here more to see if I can draw some folks out of the woodwork.

(winkles his way out of the woodwork)

MAN! That wood is tight! Especially for a Bear of my stature!

It's not just this site, Mendalla. I've noticed that activity at other sites is down. I suspect it's some combination of end-of-pandemic and beginning-of-Spring. It's not your deodorant, so, as my Scottish forebears said, "Dinna fash yoursel'"

Quote by redwriter

After the ear op I mentioned weeks ago (supposed to be a two week job) the stitches finally came out last week--seven traumatic weeks of much blood and worry. Including evidence of an internal bleed in the chest area (obviously not connected to the ear problem). But I was kept in hospital for two nights undergoing various scans and tests. In the end it was decided that the blood thinning tablets I took were the cause of the problem, and I was given the choice of remaining on that tablet or not. As one doctor jokingly (at least I hope he was joking) put it, "Do you want to bleed to death or die from a stroke?" I am off the tablet awaiting review of alternatives. Now I must pick up on my half finished 'Anschluss' story. Writing does not go well with blood loss and writing of a little girl's reaction to that terrible time was never easy in any case.

Sorry to hear, Jim. Not sure whether I'd clock the doc that asked if I'd rather bleed to death or stroke out.

Glad they at least figured out what the problem was! Now a solution…that might be a bit more difficult.

Regardless – glad you're back!

So, tomorrow's OPENING DAY!

The Jays are in tough against a good St. Louis team. I think this may be the first time the Jays have played against the Cards in St. Louis. I know it's the first time St. Louis has played their home opener against an American League team!

It's going to be an interesting season. All 30 teams will play each other, and the Jays will only play the other ALEast teams 13 times instead of 19, which is a bonus of the new schedule.


Quote by verbal

I may be abandoning the novel I'm 35K into. I just don't like where it's going. It's dumb. Sigh. Of course, now I need an idea to replace it if I plan to get any writing done.

Struggling to wake up. Thanks for the basketball cookies Sara. A coffee and a cookie would be swell.

I've been there, Jeff, although not with a novel, rather with a non-fiction book.

Not sure if this will help, but what I did was to go back to where I last enjoyed what I had written, tore out everything from there on, and started again. Sometimes the best way to improve something is to scrap it and start again. Plus, that way, you have a much better idea of what works and what doesn't.

Hope that is useful in some way!

I'll take Bear-sized mug of Red Rose tea, and see if Sara's got some GF baseball cookies around somewhere!

Take care, all!

This is almost the definition of nasty weather! It's grey and threatening, with cold rain, just above freezing, and a piercing wind.

I'd like a big mug of Red Rose tea, a fistful of Sara's gluten-free cookies, and a blankie to hide under until the day decides it wants to get better!

OOhhh! So we've found the key to getting Rachel to write! Be provocative!

I've read her first MONSTER story – and found it unsettling, to say the least. Brilliantly done, but…scary, but not for the reasons you might believe.

The sun is attempting a wan break through the grey clouds overhead. But at least it's not snowing anymore!

A mug of Red Rose for me, then perhaps I'll sit with Kat and compare notes on who has the more miserable weather!

We have company for the next couple of days – our other granddaughter, the six-year-old, and her dad are coming for a visit – which means a loud, noisy time for da Bear! Well, at least they're happy sounds! (sigh)

Howdy, everybody! We were going to be having our 6-year-old granddaughter visit this weekend but just got a text from our SIL saying he's feeling ill. He's going to see how he feels tomorrow, then let us know whether the visit is on, or whether they'd like to postpone until next week. Here's hoping!

I'll take an Irish Breakfast tea, and wander back to try to catch up on some work.

So far, so good in Spring Training. The Jays are 6-4. If they can sustain that, they'll be a shoo-in for the playoffs, maybe even to win the division! Even better for this time of year, all five starters are looking sharp, and as everyone knows in baseball, if you don't have pitching, you don't have anything. We'll see!

I've put out pots of Red Rose and Darjeeling teas, and used Tanzanian Teaberry coffee in the percolator. That, plus hot water from the kettle for other drinks, should keep people happy – if accompanied by some of Sara's Splendid Cookies!

Quote by verbal

I'm plugging in the percolator, got the tea kettle whistling, the cookies I haven't eaten on a platter (there's not many).

Chill day, though lots of good writing news. Definitely sold one story, probably sold another, and a podcast coming out this week. When it rains it pours. So I'll have 3 events in the same week and nothing for the next six months. Oh well.

Tired today. One of those hunker down and write kinda day.

Coffee and a baseball cookie please.

Sounds amazing! I know how difficult it is to get published commercially, so congratulations, Jeff!

If there are any GF baseball cookies, I'll have one with a cuppa Darjeeling, then wander back and see what mischief Sara's getting into!

I'll snag a mug of English Breakfast tea, and mosey on back to Sara's Space. Who knows? I might actually get a little writing done today, along with the various chores and errands.

Oh, and I've put out pots of Red Rose and Celebration tea for everyone, plus used Bill's own N'Oleans Dark Roast beans for the coffee today!

And Happy March! We made it through February!

The competition results are in:


  • Winner $150 (USD)

  • Third Place $50 (USD)

Runners Up

Congratulations to everyone who participated, and especially to Daphne, Kat, and Ophelia!

It was a fun comp, and thanks to all the judges for their long-suffering tolerance of tepid prose!

Quote by AnnaMayZing

Thank you, James. Not a traditional publisher like Penguin, et al. They are a small publisher that designed the cover and formatted the text for print-to-order. They also do some advertising, but it will mainly be down to me to promote. When the setup is complete, books will be ordered online via Viking Bay which takes a very small commission.

Let us know when it's out, and where, OK?

Quote by elizabethblack

A wonderful event to celebrate. AnnaMayZing has had her manuscript approved for publication commercially. It's the one on The Nurses. A fantastic book indeed. So very happy for her. She will be putting out an announcement, but she said I could tell my friends and you are all my friends.

Congratulations, Anna! May we ask where and how it's being published? And by whom, if it's by a conventional publisher? Getting a book published by a conventional publisher is quite a feat at any time, but since the advent of the Internet, it's an astonishing one!

Quote by Susie_de_Vil

It’s a beautiful sunny frosty day here in Ireland. Just been for a walk with the dogs and I’d love a cup of coffee to warm me up. I recognise a few faces from other places but hi, I’m Susie. New to here and hoping to publish a story or two soon

Welcome, Susie. You remind me of someone I knew. We're pleased to have you join us!

Try one of Sara's cookies – or biscuits, in your case. Sara is our resident Cookie Fairy!

Well, busy morning today! Took our granddaughter and her dad (our son – funny how that works) out skating and sledding this morning at the local park. Grandad did most of the pulling-of-the-wagon, so Grandad is plum tuckered out!

I think I shall grab a big mug of English Breakfast tea and retire to Sara's Space and collapse for a while!

February's getting close to being over – and the Blue Jays have a perfect record so far this Spring training! 1-0!

Start planning the parade!

Quote by Brad_Naylor

I've just seen a Polar Bear driving a car. I need a drink...

Hey! That's me! Where did you get the photo? I wonder if that's my 1960 Pontiac SkyChief?