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Over 90 days ago



The Detective

A botched attempt at solving a murder, it seems...

Charlie maneuvered through the throng of county police, shoving her badge into the face of anyone who tried to stop her. Close on her heels was her squad's best forensic analyst—who grumbled in dissatisfaction the moment they arrived. "What?" "The heat,"...

A'an never let his mother's words drift too far away when he wandered through the Lif, though she was right there cradling his head between her breasts. The heady mix of clay, sweat and musk always accompanied her. It wasn't often that she could sneak off...

Score 3 3
267 Views 267
3.0k words 3.0k words

The Island Of Death

Are we friends now?

When I was younger, my father called me his little nest—his little heir. My earliest memories were of him holding me close, like he couldn't bear me being too far away, like I was the lightning rod that kept him grounded in the middle of a thunderstorm. H...

It was between him and her, and her and her, and like always I was caught in between, a bottle of bourbon trapped between my thighs while I nursed the glass—the alcohol burned fresh paths down my throat, drawing parallels with the scars that ran down my a...

Score 10 10
507 Views 507
4.5k words 4.5k words

Spill The Tea

Sometimes love starts with a diamond ring.

It all began with something moving in my bubble tea—something too round to be a bug and too sparkly to be boba: a diamond ring. Glancing around the cafe didn't help me figure out how it had gotten there, nor did poking at it with my straw or looking under...


From the man you never loved or left behind...

early mornings make me wonder if sunlight can still graze your ebony skin though your golden soul has long departed I know I should not be doubting these things but I can't not think of your eternal journey away from me, you see? on the narrow path to hea...

A World To Save

A day in the life of a struggling hero.

The air tasted like lavender body wash and gunpowder. Fireworks dotted the night sky as the bang-bang-bang of New Year explosives ricocheted off the buildings in New Glory. Avery sucked in a deep breath and her hands to the moon, meaty palms up. It was gl...