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You and I

A few verses that bring a smile to my heart

As the light of day warms my skin Your presence enters my thoughts Where you are right now Where have you been? How long must I wait To kiss you again? These lines are short Yet hold true emotion You are Mi Amor The only real notion Here I am Here I will stay Until the moment We touch again You hold so much more Than just my heart You hold my world In the palm of warm cupped hands That smile that keeps My days in tact Wit...

You asked me to provide words beyond verses My desire is to please your wishes Yet not all Poets are Storytellers Heart and Soul pours from verses Alas,outline must be defined in tales To each his own, smiles and joy The moment must be lived Savored, inhaled with passion Poems are just that, Life that flows Stories are nice, quite an adventure Poems are a blaze of light Thunder that resounds from the soul If this is my de...

I will not say your name My lips are yours Yet I hesitate to say it Your presence is known Your thunder rumbles Loud in the darkened sky Words that bring comfort At a distance,a symbol One that only you And I share, ours Soothing kisses Warm touch Wet desire Heated passion Look up into the night See those shooting stars Feel them burn your soul Those stars are mine I own them with greed You belong to me, always No matter...

Far Beyond Shadows

Words for a Friend

See the past the darkness Let the warmth of color Take your pain away Life is a gift Cherish and treasure it Love every moment Good or Bad Happy or Sad Just breathe, friend Once you learn To accept it The fact as is You will live A better moment Less worries, less stress Only see the color That is there In front of you Step out of the darkness I too was there once Yet I chose to see Far beyond the shadows Listen as angels...

Come to me, I miss youI miss your touch, your kiss Listen to my pleas, dry my tears I forgive your absence, I understand I welcome you with blazing desire I am here, this is your home My heart is yours, keep it safe Keep it away from despair Protect it for it belongs to you I look into the night sky Stars become jewels These fall into my arms As you fly high and far Know that this Lady awaits Your much celebrated return M...

Gypsy Queen

Dancing her way to Destiny

While you are dreaming of the moments to come, I write verses. These lines I pen are from the heart, and when it starts I cannot stop. Although my soul is a wandering nomad, my passion is that of a Gypsy Queen. Many have tried but failed to dance alongside the mystical music I choose For none have the words that capture the rhythm of my hips so smooth. As the music plays, my body moves in step of the tune that resounds Fr...

Soulful Kiss

A Captivating Invite

Riverside hills, warm summer night Your hand extended, a simple invite To where you lead, I will follow Many lights, loud noise, laughter This place is alive with music Colors blaze across the sky Animals adorn the corners Of the makeshift booths Two tickets in hand, a line we join Waiting to our turn to sit and ride Within a metal cart, to take us Far up many miles high We enter sitting close to each other Smile with ant...


An unexpected visit

A cup of chai, would you like? It has such a special taste Many flavors combined Cinnamon, spices and ginger Passion, desire and warmth Relax, sit back and enjoy Sugar, honey or sweet cream? Straight you said, quite a surprise For this brew is rather strong Some feel the sting upon the lips As the infusion touches, flowing Smoothly from the cup Others feel the fire once It splashes within the mouth Sinking deep into the s...


A farewell to love and a hello to friendship

Farewell your eyes said in silence As our time has come, smile It was divine, to feel so much In such little time You roam sweet pastures While gazelles jump far Time seems to pass too quick Our “love” was OURS We had it all yet not enough To save our souls from the dark Behave mi Poeta, my poet Find what you seek And hope it does Not bring you Memories of me As anything more Than a true Friend, Always

If I

Just thoughts

If I were to leave, just disappear As swiftly as the Ocean breeze Would the Stars still shine as bright? If my presence was not felt, unseen, A drifting scent that weaves into a mist Would the voices of Nature still be heard? If the prints I make were to be erased, As the sand covers them without remorse Would the birds continue to migrate? If I were suspended, caught between two worlds One full of color, sweet, kind, ten...


Color is the Essence of Life

Some may think the light is reflection Others live by the pull of darkness I choose Color not black, white or gray When you look into my eyes you see Color This is life, breath, passion , magic Many will never know just what it is To have all the heart desires, needs Some may laugh or shun these words Yet when you think of me, what you see is Color This is unique, special, vibrant, alluring Only the Love that surrounds Th...

I Wish You Love

A wish that comes from a mended heart

Passion is a wonder but if left unleashed It will devour the sweet essence of Love Ripped apart like a rag doll, limp with no heart Left in a corner to ponder in gloom asking why I breathe easy this day, my world is mine The past is just that, I have come to understand. The Sun shines bright, the Ocean is still wide I now bloom ever so beautiful with vibrant color Fragrance so alluring, renewed and much wiser Never again...

Smoky Dream

Knowledge Acquired

Searching higher ground reason within The last of a kind that cuts confused the skin, Winds that blow ever so strong, fearless icy cold Cold that once was warm so alluring, inviting A blaze, flame tall, colored as the aurora borealis Waves of seductive fire calling one to dance Dance that created music, verses and poems Deep sighs, fast heartbeat, wet lips, release Laughter, tears, thoughts, restless sleep Sleep much need...

Morning Kiss

A Kiss that heals the Soul and mends the Heart

Once I thought that the Sun never again would shine upon my skin. Those warm rays that made me thrive with steady beat. For my days were dark, so cold and sad. The Moon would cradle my tears as they endlessly flowed. Tears that I kept hidden, only the beautiful Moon knew of my pain. This morning I see the Sun, I feel it's warmth within my heart. Today is mine to share with you, this day is ours. The Moon is joyous, as we...

A Vision Unseen

A dream is just a vision one creates without reason

So close to my heart but I could not touch you Your body so close to mine yet I could not hold you Your lips so tempting and divine yet I could not kiss you Your arms open so inviting yet I could not embrace you Captivating your smile yet it was not shining for me Your eyes burning with desire yet they were not looking at me Your lust swollen with passion yet it was not seeking meThis passion heated my dream yet it was no...