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1 week ago


It's both, I write everything down on paper then type it on my computer afterwards

Have you ever watch a sunrise?
He lost the race with Ms. Aries and now he must give her a foot massage
You said you would never tell

She has a dragon wings tattoo on her back so she can fly in the sky

Would you ever fall asleep under a tree when it's a peaceful day??
Nope, not yet anyways. Maybe in the next 30 years maybe

Do you like to lay outside when it's nice out?
Let's see.... I have three tv shows. Are you afeard of the dark? (A kiddie show), The X-files, and Unsolved Mystery.

Do you remember a tv. show that you love to watch over, and over again?
OMG Did I die and went to heavenly?

Have you ever want to be a kid for a day?
I spend some time with my 6 year old niece today at the beach so her mom can take a nap
Never seen it. So Rebs with be Maggie and you will be Brick

Why does little kids love the beach for?
Yes because I'll use my kitty speed and tricks to get it to you :P

Why oh why is my niece with me for a couple of days for? sad
Well, I don't understand why people always get mad when I make a little joke to cheer them up
May I ask whom should I ask to add me to this group? And I'm wondering if theres like a mystery critique that I can join??
Your on first second and third base. I'm up to make a hit so you can make it home :P

What's wrong with this picture?
Sleeping in until 9 then read for a few hours and then write my novels again.

What are you going to do today?