Take my niece to the petting zoo
What will I make for my niece this weekend?
Date with Garfield or Rebellious?
My friend Rebs and Justine
I'm a fall person, so I'm in-between :P Soo.... summer I guess
Lakeside home or beach front home?
Camping, fishing, walking thou the forest during the evening just before getting dark (Is that good enough?)
Would you go fishing with me?
Arrested for drinking a bottle of wine meant for the Queen of England
If I wasn't afeard to drive I would.
Would you ever eat at Hell's Kitchen?
Don't what they are but I'll pink eno
Garfield or Jon?
Would you ever go on Hell's Kitchen for all to watch you cook?
A silly date with Garfield
Arrested for being a snoopy
Arrested for being a gentleman and a saint
Her good looks makes the goddess of love look normal